H-1975.1  _______________________________________________


                    SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1695



State of Washington      57th Legislature     2001 Regular Session


By House Committee on Children & Family Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Boldt and Anderson)


Read first time .  Referred to Committee on .

Reorganizing state agencies involved in social services policy.

    AN ACT Relating to social services; amending RCW 70.190.010, 70.190.030, 70.190.040, 70.190.075, 70.190.090, 70.190.100, 70.190.110, 70.190.130, 70.190.150, 13.40.510, 43.70.555, 69.50.520, 74.14A.060, and 74.14C.050; adding new sections to chapter 70.190 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 43.63A RCW; recodifying RCW 70.190.010, 70.190.030, 70.190.040, 70.190.050, 70.190.060, 70.190.065, 70.190.075, 70.190.080, 70.190.085, 70.190.090, 70.190.100, 70.190.110, 70.190.120, 70.190.130, 70.190.150, 70.190.160, 70.190.170, 70.190.180, 70.190.190, and 70.190.910; and repealing RCW 70.190.920.




    Sec. 1.  RCW 70.190.010 and 1996 c 132 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

    Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

    (1) "Administrative costs" means the costs associated with procurement; payroll processing; personnel functions; management; maintenance and operation of space and property; data processing and computer services; accounting; budgeting; auditing; indirect costs; and organizational planning, consultation, coordination, and training.

    (2) "Assessment" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 43.70.010.

    (3) "At-risk" children are children who engage in or are victims of at-risk behaviors.

    (4) "At-risk behaviors" means violent delinquent acts, teen substance abuse, teen pregnancy and male parentage, teen suicide attempts, dropping out of school, child abuse or neglect, and domestic violence.

    (5) "Community public health and safety networks" or "networks" means the organizations authorized under RCW 70.190.060 (as recodified by this act).

    (6) "Comprehensive plan" means a two-year plan that examines available resources and unmet needs for a county or multicounty area, barriers that limit the effective use of resources, and a plan to address these issues that is broadly supported by local residents.

    (7) "Participating state agencies" means the office of the superintendent of public instruction, the department of social and health services, the department of health, the employment security department, the department of community, trade, and economic development, and such other departments as may be specifically designated by the governor.

    (8) (("Family policy council" or "council" means the superintendent of public instruction, the secretary of social and health services, the secretary of health, the commissioner of the employment security department, and the director of the department of community, trade, and economic development or their designees, one legislator from each caucus of the senate and house of representatives, and one representative of the governor.

    (9))) "Fiduciary interest" means (a) the right to compensation from a health, educational, social service, or justice system organization that receives public funds, or (b) budgetary or policy-making authority for an organization listed in (a) of this subsection.  A person who acts solely in an advisory capacity and receives no compensation from a health, educational, social service, or justice system organization, and who has no budgetary or policy-making authority is deemed to have no fiduciary interest in the organization.

    (((10))) (9) "Outcome" or "outcome based" means defined and measurable outcomes used to evaluate progress in reducing the rate of at-risk children and youth through reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors.

    (((11))) (10) "Matching funds" means an amount no less than twenty-five percent of the amount budgeted for a network.  The network's matching funds may be in-kind goods and services.  Funding sources allowable for match include appropriate federal or local levy funds, private charitable funding, and other charitable giving.  Basic education funds shall not be used as a match.  State general funds shall not be used as a match for violence reduction and drug enforcement account funds created under RCW 69.50.520.

    (((12))) (11) "Policy development" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 43.70.010.

    (((13))) (12) "Protective factors" means those factors determined by the department of health to be empirically associated with behaviors that contribute to socially acceptable and healthy nonviolent behaviors.  Protective factors include promulgation, identification, and acceptance of community norms regarding appropriate behaviors in the area of delinquency, early sexual activity, alcohol and substance abuse, educational opportunities, employment opportunities, and absence of crime.

    (((14))) (13) "Risk factors" means those factors determined by the department of health to be empirically associated with at-risk behaviors that contribute to violence.


    Sec. 2.  RCW 70.190.030 and 1994 sp.s. c 7 s 316 are each amended to read as follows:

    The ((council)) department shall annually solicit from community networks proposals to facilitate greater flexibility, coordination, and responsiveness of services at the community level.  The ((council)) department shall consider such proposals only if:

    (1) A comprehensive plan has been prepared by the community networks;

    (2) The community network has identified and agreed to contribute matching funds as specified in RCW 70.190.010 (as recodified by this act);

    (3) An interagency agreement has been prepared by the ((council)) department and the participating local service and support agencies that governs the use of funds, specifies the relationship of the project to the principles listed in RCW 74.14A.025, and identifies specific outcomes and indicators; and

    (4) The community network has designed into its comprehensive plan standards for accountability.  Accountability standards include, but are not limited to, the public hearing process eliciting public comment about the appropriateness of the proposed comprehensive plan.  The community network must submit reports to the ((council)) department outlining the public response regarding the appropriateness and effectiveness of the comprehensive plan.


    Sec. 3.  RCW 70.190.040 and 1993 c 336 s 901 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The legislature finds that helping children to arrive at school ready to learn is an important part of improving student learning.

    (2) To the extent funds are appropriated, the ((family policy council)) department shall award grants to community-based consortiums that submit comprehensive plans that include strategies to improve readiness to learn.


    Sec. 4.  RCW 70.190.075 and 1996 c 132 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) Each network shall contract with a public entity as its lead fiscal agent.  The contract shall grant the agent authority to perform fiscal, accounting, contract administration, legal, and other administrative duties, including the provision of liability insurance.  Any contract under this subsection shall be submitted to the ((council)) department by the network for approval prior to its execution.  The ((council)) department shall review the contract to determine whether the administrative costs will be held to no more than ten percent.

    (2) The lead agent shall maintain a system of accounting for network funds consistent with the budgeting, accounting, and reporting systems and standards adopted or approved by the state auditor.

    (3) The lead agent may contract with another public or private entity to perform duties other than fiscal or accounting duties.


    Sec. 5.  RCW 70.190.090 and 1999 c 309 s 918 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) A network shall, upon application to the ((council)) department, be eligible to receive planning grants and technical assistance from the ((council)) department.  However, during the 1999-01 fiscal biennium, a network that has not finalized its membership shall be eligible to receive such grants and assistance.  Planning grants may be funded through available federal funds for family preservation services.  After receiving the planning grant the network has up to one year to submit the long-term comprehensive plan.

    (2) The ((council)) department shall enter into biennial contracts with networks as part of the grant process.  The contracts shall be consistent with available resources, and shall be distributed in accordance with the distribution formula developed pursuant to RCW 43.41.195, subject to the applicable matching fund requirement.

    (3) No later than February 1 of each odd-numbered year following the initial contract between the ((council)) department and a network, the ((council)) department shall request from the network its plan for the upcoming biennial contract period.

    (4) The ((council)) department shall notify the networks of their allocation of available resources at least sixty days prior to the start of a new biennial contract period.

    (5) The networks shall, by contract, distribute funds (a) appropriated for plan implementation by the legislature, and (b) obtained from nonstate or federal sources.  In distributing funds, the networks shall ensure that administrative costs are held to a maximum of ten percent.  However, during the 1999-01 fiscal biennium, administrative costs shall be held to a maximum of ten percent or twenty thousand dollars, whichever is greater, exclusive of costs associated with procurement, payroll processing, personnel functions, management, maintenance and operation of space and property, data processing and computer services, indirect costs, and organizational planning, consultation, coordination, and training.

    (6) A network shall not provide services or operate programs.

    (7) A network shall file a report with the ((council)) department by May 1 of each year that includes but is not limited to the following information:  Detailed expenditures, programs under way, progress on contracted services and programs, and successes and problems in achieving the outcomes required by RCW 70.190.130(1)(h) (as recodified by this act) related to reducing the rate of state-funded out-of-home placements and the other three at-risk behaviors covered by the comprehensive plan and approved by the ((council)) department.


    Sec. 6.  RCW 70.190.100 and 1998 c 245 s 123 are each amended to read as follows:

    The ((family policy council)) department shall:

    (1) Establish network boundaries no later than July 1, 1994.  There is a presumption that no county may be divided between two or more community networks and no network shall have fewer than forty thousand population.  When approving multicounty networks, considering dividing a county between networks, or creating a network with a population of less than forty thousand, the ((council)) department must consider:  (a) Common economic, geographic, and social interests; (b) historical and existing shared governance; and (c) the size and location of population centers.  Individuals and groups within any area shall be given ample opportunity to propose network boundaries in a manner designed to assure full consideration of their expressed wishes;

    (2) Develop a technical assistance and training program to assist communities in creating and developing community networks and comprehensive plans;

    (3) Approve the structure, purpose, goals, plan, and performance measurements of each community network;

    (4) Identify all prevention and early intervention programs and funds, including all programs funded under RCW 69.50.520, in addition to the programs set forth in RCW 70.190.110 (as recodified by this act), which could be transferred, in all or part, to the community networks, and report their findings and recommendations to the governor and the legislature regarding any appropriate program transfers by January 1 of each year;

    (5) Reward community networks that show exceptional success as provided in RCW 43.41.195;

    (6) Seek every opportunity to maximize federal and other funding that is consistent with the plans approved by the ((council)) department for the purpose and goals of this chapter;

    (7) Review the state-funded out-of-home placement rate before the end of each contract to determine whether the region has sufficiently reduced the rate.  If the ((council)) department determines that there has not been a sufficient reduction in the rate, it may reduce the immediately succeeding grant to the network;

    (8)(a) The ((council)) department shall monitor the implementation of programs contracted by participating state agencies by reviewing periodic reports on the extent to which services were delivered to intended populations, the quality of services, and the extent to which service outcomes were achieved at the conclusion of service interventions.  This monitoring shall include provision for periodic feedback to community networks;

    (b) The legislature intends that this monitoring be used by the Washington state institute for public policy, together with public health data on at-risk behaviors and risk and protective factors, to produce an external evaluation of the effectiveness of the networks and their programs.  For this reason, and to conserve public funds, the ((council)) department shall not conduct or contract for the conduct of control group studies, quasi-experimental design studies, or other analysis efforts to attempt to determine the impact of network programs on at-risk behaviors or risk and protective factors; and

    (9) Review the implementation of chapter 7, Laws of 1994 sp. sess.  The report shall use measurable performance standards to evaluate the implementation.


    Sec. 7.  RCW 70.190.110 and 1998 c 245 s 124 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The ((council)) department, and each network, shall biennially review all state and federal funded programs serving individuals, families, or communities to determine whether a network may be better able to integrate and coordinate these services within the community.

    (2) The ((council)) department, and each network, shall specifically review the feasibility and desirability of decategorizing and granting, all or part of, the following program funds to the networks:

    (a) Consolidated juvenile services;

    (b) Family preservation and support services;

    (c) Readiness to learn;

    (d) Community mobilization;

    (e) Violence prevention;

    (f) Community-police partnership;

    (g) Child care;

    (h) Early intervention and educational services, including but not limited to, birth to three, birth to six, early childhood education and assistance, and headstart;

    (i) Crisis residential care;

    (j) Victims' assistance;

    (k) Foster care;

    (l) Adoption support;

    (m) Continuum of care; and

    (n) Drug and alcohol abuse prevention and early intervention in schools.

    (3) In determining the desirability of decategorizing these programs the report shall analyze whether:

    (a) The program is an integral part of the comprehensive plan without decategorization;

    (b) The program is already adequately integrated and coordinated with other programs that are, or will be, funded by the network;

    (c) The network could develop the capacity to provide the program's services;

    (d) The program goals might receive greater community support and reinforcement through the network;

    (e) The program presently ensures that adequate follow-up efforts are utilized, and whether the network could improve on those efforts through decategorization of the funds;

    (f) The decategorization would benefit the community; and

    (g) The decategorization would assist the network in achieving its goals.

    (4) If the ((council)) department or a network determines that a program should not be decategorized, the ((council)) department or network shall make recommendations regarding programmatic changes that are necessary to improve the coordination and integration of services and programs, regardless of the funding source for those programs.


    Sec. 8.  RCW 70.190.130 and 1998 c 314 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The ((council)) department shall only disburse funds to a network after a comprehensive plan has been prepared by the network and approved by the ((council)) department.  In approving the plan the ((council)) department shall consider whether the network:

    (a) Promoted input from the widest practical range of agencies and affected parties, including public hearings;

    (b) Reviewed the indicators of violence data compiled by the local public health departments and incorporated a response to those indicators in the plan;

    (c) Obtained a declaration by the largest health department within the network boundary, indicating whether the plan meets minimum standards for assessment and policy development relating to social development according to RCW 43.70.555;

    (d) Included a specific mechanism of data collection and transmission based on the rules established under RCW 43.70.555;

    (e) Considered all relevant causes of violence in its community and did not isolate only one or a few of the elements to the exclusion of others and demonstrated evidence of building community capacity through effective neighborhood and community development;

    (f) Considered youth employment and job training programs outlined in this chapter as a strategy to reduce the rate of at-risk children and youth;

    (g) Integrated local programs that met the network's priorities and were deemed successful by the network;

    (h) Committed to make measurable reductions in the rate of at-risk children and youth by reducing the rate of state-funded out-of-home placements and make reductions in at least three of the following rates of youth:  Violent criminal acts, substance abuse, pregnancy and male parentage, suicide attempts, dropping out of school, child abuse or neglect, and domestic violence; and

    (i) Held a public hearing on its proposed comprehensive plan and submitted to the ((council)) department all of the written comments received at the hearing and a copy of the minutes taken at the hearing.

    (2) The ((council)) department may establish a maximum amount to be expended by a network for purposes of planning and administrative duties, that shall not, in total, exceed ten percent of funds available to a network.  The ((council)) department shall make recommendations to the legislature regarding the specific maximum amounts that can be spent by a network or group of networks on planning and administrative duties.  The recommendation may provide differing percentages, considering the size of the budgets of each network and giving consideration to whether there should be a higher percentage for administrative and planning purposes in budgets for smaller networks and a smaller percentage of the budgets for administration and planning purposes in larger networks.

    (3) The ((council)) department may determine that a network is not in compliance with this chapter if it fails to comply with statutory requirements.  Upon a determination of noncompliance, the ((council)) department may suspend or revoke a network's status or contract and specify a process and deadline for the network's compliance.


    Sec. 9.  RCW 70.190.150 and 1994 sp.s. c 7 s 312 are each amended to read as follows:

    If there exist any federal restrictions against the transfer of funds, for the programs enumerated in RCW 70.190.110 (as recodified by this act), to the community networks, the ((council)) department shall assist the governor in immediately applying to the federal government for waivers of the federal restrictions.  The ((council)) department shall also assist the governor in coordinating efforts to make any changes in federal law necessary to meet the purpose and intent of chapter 7, Laws of 1994 sp. sess.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 10.  A new section is added to chapter 70.190 RCW to read as follows:

    The social services policy and audit council is established.  The membership of the council shall be:

    (1) The superintendent of public instruction;

    (2) The secretary of social and health services;

    (3) The secretary of health;

    (4) The commissioner of the employment security department;

    (5) The director of the department of community, trade, and economic development or his or her designee;

    (6) Two legislators, one from each caucus of the senate and house of representatives; and

    (7) One representative of the governor.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 11.  A new section is added to chapter 70.190 RCW to read as follows:

    The duties of the social services policy and audit council are:

    (1) Strategic planning for state social services policy;

    (2) Establishing performance standards for the department of social and health services;

    (3) Conducting performance audits of social services delivery systems; and

    (4) Recommending to the legislature changes in social services delivery systems.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 12.  A new section is added to chapter 70.190 RCW to read as follows:

    (1) In conducting performance audits and other reviews, the council shall work closely with the chairs and staff of standing committees of the senate and house of representatives, and may work in consultation with the joint legislative audit and review committee, state auditor, and the director of financial management.

    (2) The council may contract with and consult with public and private independent professional and technical experts as necessary in conducting the performance audits.  The council should also involve front-line employees and internal auditors in the performance audit process to the highest possible degree.

    (3) The council shall work with the legislative evaluation and accountability program committee and the office of financial management to develop information system capabilities necessary for the performance audit requirements of this chapter.

    (4) The council shall work with the legislative office of performance review and the office of financial management to facilitate the implementation of effective performance measures throughout state government.  In agencies and programs where effective systems for performance measurement exist, the measurements incorporated into those systems should be a basis for performance audits conducted under this chapter.

    (5) Performance audits may include the following:

    (a) An examination of the costs and benefits of agency programs, functions, and activities;

    (b) Identification of viable alternatives for reducing costs or improving service delivery;

    (c) Identification of gaps and overlaps in service delivery, along with corrective action; and

    (d) Comparison with other states whose agencies perform similar functions, as well as their relative funding levels and performance.

    (6) As part of a performance audit, the council may review the costs of programs recently implemented by the legislature to compare actual agency costs with the appropriations provided and the cost estimates that were included in the fiscal note for the program at the time the program was enacted.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 13.  A new section is added to chapter 70.190 RCW to read as follows:

    The council has the following powers:

    (1) To examine and report whether appropriations are being expended for the purposes and within the statutory restrictions provided by the legislature;

    (2) To examine and report on the organization and procedures necessary or desirable to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in state government, its officers, boards, committees, commissions, institutions, and other state agencies;

    (3) To make recommendations and reports to the legislature;

    (4) To study and examine the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of state government and its state agencies as it may find advisable, and to hear complaints, hold hearings, gather information, and make findings of fact;

    (5) To receive a copy of each report of examination or audit issued by the state auditor and to make recommendations as it deems appropriate as a separate addendum to the report or audit;

    (6) To develop internal tracking procedures that will allow the legislature to measure the effectiveness of performance audits conducted by the council including, where appropriate, measurements of cost savings and increases in efficiency and effectiveness in how state agencies deliver their services;

    (7) To receive messages and reports in person or in writing from the governor or any other state officials and to study generally any and all business relating to economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in state government and state agencies.


    Sec. 14.  RCW 13.40.510 and 1997 c 338 s 61 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) In order to receive funds under RCW 13.40.500 through 13.40.540, local governments may, through their respective agencies that administer funding for consolidated juvenile services, submit proposals that establish community juvenile accountability programs within their communities.  These proposals must be submitted to the juvenile rehabilitation administration of the department of social and health services for certification.

    (2) The proposals must:

    (a) Demonstrate that the proposals were developed with the input of the community public health and safety networks established under RCW 70.190.060 (as recodified by this act), and the local law and justice councils established under RCW 72.09.300;

    (b) Describe how local community groups or members are involved in the implementation of the programs funded under RCW 13.40.500 through 13.40.540;

    (c) Include a description of how the grant funds will contribute to the expected outcomes of the program and the reduction of youth violence and juvenile crime in their community.  Data approaches are not required to be replicated if the networks have information that addresses risks in the community for juvenile offenders.

    (3) A local government receiving a grant under this section shall agree that any funds received must be used efficiently to encourage the use of community-based programs that reduce the reliance on secure confinement as the sole means of holding juvenile offenders accountable for their crimes.  The local government shall also agree to account for the expenditure of all funds received under the grant and to submit to audits for compliance with the grant criteria developed under RCW 13.40.520.

    (4) The juvenile rehabilitation administration, in consultation with the Washington association of juvenile court administrators, the state law and justice advisory council, and the ((family policy council)) department of community, trade, and economic development, shall establish guidelines for programs that may be funded under RCW 13.40.500 through 13.40.540.  The guidelines must:

    (a) Target diverted and adjudicated juvenile offenders;

    (b) Include assessment methods to determine services, programs, and intervention strategies most likely to change behaviors and norms of juvenile offenders;

    (c) Provide maximum structured supervision in the community.  Programs should use natural surveillance and community guardians such as employers, relatives, teachers, clergy, and community mentors to the greatest extent possible;

    (d) Promote good work ethic values and educational skills and competencies necessary for the juvenile offender to function effectively and positively in the community;

    (e) Maximize the efficient delivery of treatment services aimed at reducing risk factors associated with the commission of juvenile offenses;

    (f) Maximize the reintegration of the juvenile offender into the community upon release from confinement;

    (g) Maximize the juvenile offender's opportunities to make full restitution to the victims and amends to the community;

    (h) Support and encourage increased court discretion in imposing community-based intervention strategies;

    (i) Be compatible with research that shows which prevention and early intervention strategies work with juvenile offenders;

    (j) Be outcome-based in that it describes what outcomes will be achieved or what outcomes have already been achieved;

    (k) Include an evaluation component; and

    (l) Recognize the diversity of local needs.

    (5) The state law and justice advisory council, with the assistance of the ((family policy council)) department of community, trade, and economic development and the governor's juvenile justice advisory committee, may provide support and technical assistance to local governments for training and education regarding community-based prevention and intervention strategies.


    Sec. 15.  RCW 43.70.555 and 1998 c 245 s 77 are each amended to read as follows:

    The department, in consultation with the ((family policy council created in chapter 70.190 RCW)) department of community, trade, and economic development, shall establish, by rule, standards for local health departments and networks to use in assessment, performance measurement, policy development, and assurance regarding social development to prevent health problems caused by risk factors empirically linked to:  Violent criminal acts by juveniles, teen substance abuse, teen pregnancy and male parentage, teen suicide attempts, dropping out of school, child abuse or neglect, and domestic violence.  The standards shall be based on the standards set forth in the public health services improvement plan as required by RCW 43.70.550.


    Sec. 16.  RCW 69.50.520 and 2000 2nd sp.s. c 1 s 917 are each amended to read as follows:

    The violence reduction and drug enforcement account is created in the state treasury.  All designated receipts from RCW 9.41.110(8), 66.24.210(4), 66.24.290(2), 69.50.505(h)(1), 82.08.150(5), 82.24.020(2), 82.64.020, and section 420, chapter 271, Laws of 1989 shall be deposited into the account.  Expenditures from the account may be used only for funding services and programs under chapter 271, Laws of 1989 and chapter 7, Laws of 1994 sp. sess., including state incarceration costs.  Funds from the account may also be appropriated to reimburse local governments for costs associated with implementing criminal justice legislation including chapter 338, Laws of 1997.  During the 1999-2001 biennium, funds from the account may also be used for costs associated with providing grants to local governments in accordance with chapter 338, Laws of 1997, the design, sitework, and construction of the special commitment center, the replacement of the department of corrections' offender-based tracking system, and for multijurisdictional narcotics task forces.  After July 1, 2001, at least seven and one-half percent of expenditures from the account shall be used for providing grants to community networks under chapter ((70.190)) 43.63A RCW by the ((family policy council)) department of community, trade, and economic development.


    Sec. 17.  RCW 74.14A.060 and 2000 c 219 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

    The secretary of the department of social and health services shall charge appropriated funds to support blended funding projects for youth subject to any current or future waiver the department receives to the requirements of IV-E funding.  To be eligible for blended funding a child must be eligible for services designed to address a behavioral, mental, emotional, or substance abuse issue from the department of social and health services and require services from more than one categorical service delivery system.  Before any blended funding project is established by the secretary, any entity or person proposing the project shall seek input from the public health and safety network or networks established in the catchment area of the project.  The network or networks shall submit recommendations on the blended funding project to the ((family policy council)) department of community, trade, and economic development.  The ((family policy council)) department of community, trade, and economic development shall advise the secretary whether to approve the proposed blended funding project.  The network shall review the proposed blended funding project pursuant to its authority to examine the decategorization of program funds under RCW 70.190.110 (as recodified by this act), within the current appropriation level.  The department shall document the number of children who participate in blended funding projects, the total blended funding amounts per child, the amount charged to each appropriation by program, and services provided to each child through each blended funding project and report this information to the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1st of each year, beginning in December 1, 2000.


    Sec. 18.  RCW 74.14C.050 and 1995 c 311 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:

    By December 1, 1995, the department, with the assistance of the ((family policy council)) department of community, trade, and economic development, two urban and two rural public health and safety networks to be chosen by the ((family policy council)) department of community, trade, and economic development, and two private, nonprofit agencies with expertise and experience in preservation services shall submit to the legislature an implementation and evaluation plan that identifies:

    (1) A valid and reliable process that can be used by caseworkers for accurately identifying clients who are eligible for intensive family preservation services and family preservation services.  The plan shall recognize the due process rights of families that receive preservation services and recognize that family preservation services are not intended to be investigative for purposes of chapter 13.34 RCW;

    (2) Necessary data by which program success will be measured, projections of service needs, budget requests, and long-range planning;

    (3) Regional and statewide projections of service needs;

    (4) A cost estimate for statewide implementation and expansion of preservation services on a phased-in basis beginning no later than July 1, 1996;

    (5) A plan and time frame for phased-in implementation of preservation services on a statewide basis to be accomplished as soon as possible but no later than July 1, 1997;

    (6) Data regarding the number of children in foster care, group care, institutional placements, and other out-of-home placements due to medical needs, mental health needs, developmental disabilities, and juvenile offenses, and an assessment of the feasibility of providing preservation services to include all of these children;

    (7) Standards and outcome measures for the department when the department provides preservation services directly; and

    (8) A process to assess outcome measures identified in RCW 74.14C.030 for contractors providing preservation services.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 19.  The following sections are each recodified as sections in chapter 43.63A RCW:  RCW 70.190.010 (as amended by this act), 70.190.030 (as amended by this act), 70.190.040 (as amended by this act), 70.190.050, 70.190.060, 70.190.065, 70.190.075 (as amended by this act), 70.190.080, 70.190.085, 70.190.090 (as amended by this act), 70.190.100 (as amended by this act), 70.190.110 (as amended by this act), 70.190.120, 170.190.130 (as amended by this act), 70.190.150 (as amended by this act), 70.190.160, 70.190.170, 70.190.180, 70.190.190, and 70.190.910.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 20.  RCW 70.190.920 (Effective date--1992 c 198) and 1992 c 198 s 21 are each repealed.


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