S-3792.5  _______________________________________________


                    SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 6494



State of Washington   57th Legislature        2002 Regular Session


By Senate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Hochstatter, Haugen, Benton, Shin, Johnson, Gardner, Finkbeiner, Kastama, McDonald, Carlson, Swecker, Parlette, Stevens, Hewitt, Morton, Sheahan, Rasmussen, Winsley and Oke)


READ FIRST TIME 02/12/2002.

Revising vehicle licensing provisions.

    AN ACT Relating to two-year vehicle licensing; amending RCW 46.16.006, 46.16.0621, 46.16.063, 46.16.065, 46.16.070, 46.16.071, 46.16.079, 46.16.085, 46.16.090, 46.16.121, 46.16.160, 46.16.210, 46.16.220, 46.16.225, 46.16.260, 46.16.313, 46.16.505, 46.16.585, 46.16.606, 46.16.630, 46.16.670, 46.68.030, 46.68.035, 81.100.060, 81.104.160, 82.80.020, and 46.01.140; and creating new sections.




    Sec. 1.  RCW 46.16.006 and 1992 c 222 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The term "registration ((year)) period" for the purposes of chapters 46.16, 82.44, and 82.50 RCW means the effective period of a vehicle license issued by the department.  ((Such year)) The period commences at 12:01 a.m. on the date of the calendar year designated by the department and ends at 12:01 a.m. on the same date of the ((next)) second succeeding calendar year.  If a vehicle license previously issued in this state has expired and is renewed with a different registered owner, a new registration ((year)) period is deemed to commence upon the date the expired license is renewed in order that the renewed license be useable for a full ((twelve-month)) twenty-four month period.

    (2) Each registration ((year)) period may be divided into ((twelve)) twenty-four registration months.  Each registration month commences on the day numerically corresponding to the day of the calendar month on which the registration ((year)) period begins, and terminates on the numerically corresponding day of the next succeeding calendar month.

    (3) Where the term "last day of the month" is used in chapters 46.16, 82.44, and 82.50 RCW in lieu of a specified day of any calendar month it means the last day of such calendar month or months irrespective of the numerical designation of that day.

    (4) If the final day of a registration ((year)) period or month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, such period extends through the end of the next business day.


    Sec. 2.  RCW 46.16.0621 and 2000 1st sp.s. c 1 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) License tab fees shall be ((thirty)) sixty dollars ((per year)) biennially for ((motor)) vehicles((, regardless of year, value, make, or model, beginning January 1, 2000)) specified in subsection (2) of this section.

    (2) For the purposes of this section, "license tab fees" are defined as the general fees paid ((annually)) biennially for licensing motor vehicles, including cars, sport utility vehicles, motorcycles, and motor homes, and nonmotorized vehicles including trailers as defined in RCW 46.04.620 and 46.04.623.  Trailers licensed under RCW 46.16.065, 46.16.068, or 46.16.085 are not required to pay license tab fees under this section.


    Sec. 3.  RCW 46.16.063 and 1996 c 237 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    In addition to other fees for the licensing of vehicles there shall be paid and collected ((annually)) biennially for each camper, travel trailer, and motor home as the same are defined in RCW 82.50.010 a fee of ((three)) six dollars to be deposited in the RV account of the motor vehicle fund.  Under RCW 43.135.055, the department of transportation may increase RV account fees by a percentage that exceeds the fiscal growth factor.  After consultation with citizen representatives of the recreational vehicle user community, the department of transportation may implement RV account fee adjustments no more than once every four years.  RV account fee adjustments must be preceded by evaluation of the following factors:  Maintenance of a self-supporting program, levels of service at existing RV sanitary disposal facilities, identified needs for improved RV service at safety rest areas statewide, sewage treatment costs, and inflation.  If the department chooses to adjust the RV account fee, it shall notify the department of licensing six months before implementation of the fee increase.  Adjustments in the RV account fee must be in increments of no more than fifty cents per biennium.


    Sec. 4.  RCW 46.16.065 and 2001 c 64 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

    In lieu of the fees provided in RCW 46.16.0621, private passenger car one or two-wheel trailers of two thousand pounds gross weight or less, may be licensed upon the payment of a license fee in the sum of ((four)) nine dollars ((and fifty cents)) or, if the vehicle was previously licensed in this state and has not been registered in another jurisdiction in the intervening period, a renewal license fee in the sum of ((three dollars and twenty-five)) six dollars and fifty cents, but only if such trailers are to be operated upon the public highway by the owners thereof.  It is the intention of the legislature that this reduced license shall be issued only as to trailers operated for personal use of the owners and not trailers held for rental to the public.


    Sec. 5.  RCW 46.16.070 and 1994 c 262 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) In lieu of all other vehicle licensing fees, unless specifically exempt, and in addition to the excise tax prescribed in chapter 82.44 RCW and the mileage fees prescribed for buses and stages in RCW 46.16.125, ((there)) a gross weight fee shall be imposed in accordance with this section.  Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the fee shall be paid and collected annually for each truck, motor truck, truck tractor, road tractor, tractor, bus, auto stage, or for hire vehicle with seating capacity of more than six, based upon the declared combined gross weight or declared gross weight thereof pursuant to the provisions of chapter 46.44 RCW, the following licensing fees by such gross weight:



4,000 lbs.      $ ((37.00))      $      ((37.00))

            74.00        74.00

6,000 lbs.      $ ((44.00))      $      ((44.00))

            88.00        88.00

8,000 lbs.      $ 55.00  $      55.00

10,000 lbs.     $ 62.00  $      62.00

12,000 lbs.     $ 72.00  $      72.00

14,000 lbs.     $ 82.00  $      82.00

16,000 lbs.     $ 92.00  $      92.00

18,000 lbs.     $ 137.00  $      137.00

20,000 lbs.     $ 152.00  $      152.00

22,000 lbs.     $ 164.00  $      164.00

24,000 lbs.     $ 177.00  $      177.00

26,000 lbs.     $ 187.00  $      187.00

28,000 lbs.     $ 220.00  $      220.00

30,000 lbs.     $ 253.00  $      253.00

32,000 lbs.     $ 304.00  $      304.00

34,000 lbs.     $ 323.00  $      323.00

36,000 lbs.     $ 350.00  $      350.00

38,000 lbs.     $ 384.00  $      384.00

40,000 lbs.     $ 439.00  $      439.00

42,000 lbs.     $ 456.00  $      546.00

44,000 lbs.     $ 466.00  $      556.00

46,000 lbs.     $ 501.00  $      591.00

48,000 lbs.     $ 522.00  $      612.00

50,000 lbs.     $ 566.00  $      656.00

52,000 lbs.     $ 595.00  $      685.00

54,000 lbs.     $ 642.00  $      732.00

56,000 lbs.     $ 677.00  $      767.00

58,000 lbs.     $ 704.00  $      794.00

60,000 lbs.     $ 750.00  $      840.00

62,000 lbs.     $ 804.00  $      894.00

64,000 lbs.     $ 822.00  $      912.00

66,000 lbs.     $ 915.00  $      1,005.00

68,000 lbs.     $ 954.00  $      1,044.00

70,000 lbs.     $ 1,027.00 $      1,117.00

72,000 lbs.     $ 1,098.00 $      1,188.00

74,000 lbs.     $ 1,193.00 $      1,283.00

76,000 lbs.     $ 1,289.00 $      1,379.00

78,000 lbs.     $ 1,407.00 $      1,497.00

80,000 lbs.     $ 1,518.00 $      1,608.00

82,000 lbs.     $ 1,623.00 $      1,713.00

84,000 lbs.     $ 1,728.00 $      1,818.00

86,000 lbs.     $ 1,833.00 $      1,923.00

88,000 lbs.     $ 1,938.00 $      2,028.00

90,000 lbs.     $ 2,043.00 $      2,133.00

92,000 lbs.     $ 2,148.00 $      2,238.00

94,000 lbs.     $ 2,253.00 $      2,343.00

96,000 lbs.     $ 2,358.00 $      2,448.00

98,000 lbs.     $ 2,463.00 $      2,553.00

100,000 lbs.    $ 2,568.00 $      2,658.00

102,000 lbs.    $ 2,673.00 $      2,763.00

104,000 lbs.    $ 2,778.00 $      2,868.00

105,500 lbs.    $ 2,883.00 $      2,973.00


    Schedule A applies to vehicles either used exclusively for hauling logs or that do not tow trailers.  Schedule B applies to vehicles that tow trailers and are not covered under Schedule A.

    Every truck, motor truck, truck tractor, and tractor exceeding 6,000 pounds empty scale weight registered under chapter 46.16, 46.87, or 46.88 RCW shall be licensed for not less than one hundred fifty percent of its empty weight unless the amount would be in excess of the legal limits prescribed for such a vehicle in RCW 46.44.041 or 46.44.042, in which event the vehicle shall be licensed for the maximum weight authorized for such a vehicle or unless the vehicle is used only for the purpose of transporting any well drilling machine, air compressor, rock crusher, conveyor, hoist, donkey engine, cook house, tool house, bunk house, or similar machine or structure attached to or made a part of such vehicle.

    The following provisions apply when increasing gross or combined gross weight for a vehicle licensed under this section:

    (a) The new license fee will be one-twelfth of the fee listed above for the new gross weight, multiplied by the number of months remaining in the period for which licensing fees have been paid, including the month in which the new gross weight is effective.

    (b) Upon surrender of the current certificate of registration or cab card, the new licensing fees due shall be reduced by the amount of the licensing fees previously paid for the same period for which new fees are being charged.

    (2) The proceeds from the fees collected under ((subsection (1) of)) this section shall be distributed in accordance with RCW 46.68.035.

    (3) Vehicles that have a declared gross weight of six thousand pounds or less shall pay the gross weight fee listed in Schedule A or Schedule B biennially.


    Sec. 6.  RCW 46.16.071 and 1996 c 315 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) In addition to the fees set forth in RCW 46.16.070, there shall be paid and collected ((annually upon registration)) at the same time gross weight fees are paid under RCW 46.16.070, a fee of one dollar for each truck, motor truck, truck tractor, road tractor, tractor, bus, auto stage, or for hire vehicle with seating capacity of more than six, notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 46.16.070.

    (2) In addition to the fees set forth in RCW 46.16.085, there shall be paid and collected ((annually upon registration)) biennially, a fee of one dollar for each trailer, semitrailer, and pole trailer, notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 46.16.085.

    (3) The proceeds from the fees collected under subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall be deposited into the highway safety fund, except that for each vehicle registered by a county auditor or agent to a county auditor under RCW 46.01.140, the proceeds shall be credited to the current county expense fund.


    Sec. 7.  RCW 46.16.079 and 1986 c 18 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

    The licensee of any fixed load motor vehicle equipped for lifting or towing any disabled, impounded, or abandoned vehicle or part thereof, may pay a capacity fee of ((twenty-five)) fifty dollars in addition to all other fees required for the ((annual)) biennial licensing of motor vehicles in lieu of the licensing fees provided in RCW 46.16.070.


    Sec. 8.  RCW 46.16.085 and 1991 c 163 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

    In lieu of all other licensing fees, ((an annual)) a biennial license fee of ((thirty-six)) seventy-two dollars shall be collected in addition to the excise tax prescribed in chapter 82.44 RCW for:  (1) Each trailer and semitrailer not subject to the license fee under RCW 46.16.065 or the capacity fees under RCW ((46.16.080)) 46.16.079; (2) every pole trailer.  The proceeds from this fee shall be distributed in accordance with RCW 46.68.035.  This section does not pertain to travel trailers or personal use trailers that are not used for commercial purposes or owned by commercial enterprises.


    Sec. 9.  RCW 46.16.090 and 1989 c 156 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) Motor trucks, truck tractors, and tractors may be specially licensed based on the declared gross weight thereof for the various amounts set forth in the schedule provided in RCW 46.16.070 less twenty-three dollars; divide the difference by two and add twenty-three dollars, when such vehicles are owned and operated by farmers, but only if the following condition or conditions exist:

    (((1))) (a) When such vehicles are to be used for the transportation of the farmer's own farm, orchard, or dairy products, or the farmer's own private sector cultured aquatic products as defined in RCW 15.85.020, from point of production to market or warehouse, and of supplies to be used on the farmer's farm.  Fish other than those that are such private sector cultured aquatic products and forestry products are not considered as farm products; and/or

    (((2))) (b) When such vehicles are to be used for the infrequent or seasonal transportation by one farmer for another farmer in the farmer's neighborhood of products of the farm, orchard, dairy, or aquatic farm owned by the other farmer from point of production to market or warehouse, or supplies to be used on the other farm, but only if transportation for another farmer is for compensation other than money.  Farmers shall be permitted an allowance of an additional eight thousand pounds, within the legal limits, on such vehicles, when used in the transportation of the farmer's own farm machinery between the farmer's own farm or farms and for a distance of not more than thirty-five miles from the farmer's farm or farms.

    (2) The department shall prepare a special form of application to be used by farmers applying for licenses under this section, which form shall contain a statement to the effect that the vehicle concerned will be used subject to the limitations of this section.  The department shall prepare special insignia which shall be placed upon all such vehicles to indicate that the vehicle is specially licensed, or may, in its discretion, substitute a special license plate for such vehicle for such designation.

    (3) Operation of such a specially licensed vehicle in transportation upon public highways in violation of the limitations of this section is a traffic infraction.

    (4) The twenty-three dollar amount under subsection (1) of this section shall be forty-six dollars if the vehicle is required to pay the gross weight fee under RCW 46.16.070 biennially.


    Sec. 10.  RCW 46.16.121 and 1967 ex.s. c 83 s 58 are each amended to read as follows:

    In addition to other fees for the licensing of vehicles, there shall be paid and collected ((annually)) biennially, for each auto stage and for hire vehicle, except taxicabs, with a seating capacity of six or less the sum of ((fifteen)) thirty dollars.


    Sec. 11.  RCW 46.16.160 and 1999 c 270 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The owner of a vehicle which under reciprocal relations with another jurisdiction would be required to obtain a license registration in this state or an unlicensed vehicle which would be required to obtain a license registration for operation on public highways of this state may, as an alternative to such license registration, secure and operate such vehicle under authority of a trip permit issued by this state in lieu of a Washington certificate of license registration, and licensed gross weight if applicable.  The licensed gross weight may not exceed eighty thousand pounds for a combination of vehicles nor forty thousand pounds for a single unit vehicle with three or more axles.  Trip permits may also be issued for movement of mobile homes pursuant to RCW 46.44.170.  For the purpose of this section, a vehicle is considered unlicensed if the licensed gross weight currently in effect for the vehicle or combination of vehicles is not adequate for the load being carried.  Vehicles registered under RCW 46.16.135 shall not be operated under authority of trip permits in lieu of further registration within the same registration ((year)) period.

    (2) Each trip permit shall authorize the operation of a single vehicle at the maximum legal weight limit for such vehicle for a period of three consecutive days commencing with the day of first use.  No more than three such permits may be used for any one vehicle in any period of thirty consecutive days, except that in the case of a recreational vehicle as defined in RCW 43.22.335, no more than two trip permits may be used for any one vehicle in a one-year period.  Every permit shall identify, as the department may require, the vehicle for which it is issued and shall be completed in its entirety and signed by the operator before operation of the vehicle on the public highways of this state.  Correction of data on the permit such as dates, license number, or vehicle identification number invalidates the permit.  The trip permit shall be displayed on the vehicle to which it is issued as prescribed by the department.

    (3) Vehicles operating under authority of trip permits are subject to all laws, rules, and regulations affecting the operation of like vehicles in this state.

    (4) Prorate operators operating commercial vehicles on trip permits in Washington shall retain the customer copy of such permit for four years.

    (5) Trip permits may be obtained from field offices of the department of transportation, Washington state patrol, department of licensing, or other agents appointed by the department.  For each permit issued, there shall be collected a filing fee as provided by RCW 46.01.140, an administrative fee of eight dollars, and an excise tax of one dollar.  If the filing fee amount of one dollar prescribed by RCW 46.01.140 is increased or decreased after January 1, 1981, the administrative fee shall be adjusted to compensate for such change to insure that the total amount collected for the filing fee, administrative fee, and excise tax remain at ten dollars.  These fees and taxes are in lieu of all other vehicle license fees and taxes.  No exchange, credits, or refunds may be given for trip permits after they have been purchased.

    (6) The department may appoint county auditors or businesses as agents for the purpose of selling trip permits to the public.  County auditors or businesses so appointed may retain the filing fee collected for each trip permit to defray expenses incurred in handling and selling the permits.

    (7) A violation of or a failure to comply with any provision of this section is a gross misdemeanor.

    (8) The department of licensing may adopt rules as it deems necessary to administer this section.

    (9) A surcharge of five dollars is imposed on the issuance of trip permits.  The portion of the surcharge paid by motor carriers must be deposited in the motor vehicle fund for the purpose of supporting vehicle weigh stations, weigh-in-motion programs, and the commercial vehicle information systems and networks program.  The remaining portion of the surcharge must be deposited in the motor vehicle fund for the purpose of supporting congestion relief programs.  All other administrative fees and excise taxes collected under the provisions of this chapter shall be forwarded by the department with proper identifying detailed report to the state treasurer who shall deposit the administrative fees to the credit of the motor vehicle fund and the excise taxes to the credit of the general fund.  Filing fees will be forwarded and reported to the state treasurer by the department as prescribed in RCW 46.01.140.


    Sec. 12.  RCW 46.16.210 and 2001 c 206 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) Upon receipt of the application and proper fee for original vehicle license, the director shall make a recheck of the application and in the event that there is any error in the application it may be returned to the county auditor or other agent to effectively secure the correction of such error, who shall return the same corrected to the director.

    (2) Application for the renewal of a vehicle license shall be made to the director or ((his)) the director's agents, including county auditors, by the registered owner on a form prescribed by the director.  The application must be accompanied by the payment of such license fees and excise tax as may be required by law.  Such application shall be handled in the same manner and the fees transmitted to the state treasurer in the same manner as in the case of an original application.  Any such application which upon validation becomes a renewal certificate need not have entered upon it the name of the lien holder, if any, of the vehicle concerned.

    (3) Persons expecting to be out of the state during the normal renewal period of a vehicle license may secure renewal of such vehicle license and have license plates or tabs preissued by making application to the director or ((his)) the director's agents upon forms prescribed by the director.  The application must be accompanied by such license fees, and excise tax as may be required by law.

    (4) Application for the ((annual)) renewal of a vehicle license number plate to the director or the director's agents shall not be required for those vehicles owned, rented, or leased by the state of Washington, or by any county, city, town, school district, or other political subdivision of the state of Washington or a governing body of an Indian tribe located within this state and recognized as a governmental entity by the United States department of the interior.


    Sec. 13.  RCW 46.16.220 and 1997 c 241 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:

    Vehicle licenses and vehicle license number plates may be renewed for the subsequent registration ((year)) period up to eighteen months before the current expiration date and must be used and displayed from the date of issue or from the day of the expiration of the preceding registration ((year)) period, whichever date is later.


    Sec. 14.  RCW 46.16.225 and 1986 c 18 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:

    Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the department may extend or diminish vehicle license registration periods for the purpose of staggering renewal periods.  Such extension or diminishment of a vehicle license registration period shall be by rule of the department adopted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW.  The rules may provide for the omission of any classes or classifications of vehicle from the staggered renewal system and may provide for the gradual introduction of classes or classifications of vehicles into the system.  The rules shall provide for the collection of proportionately increased or decreased vehicle license registration fees and of excise or property taxes required to be paid at the time of registration.

    ((It is the intent of the legislature that there shall be neither a significant net gain nor loss of revenue to the state general fund or the motor vehicle fund as the result of implementing and maintaining a staggered vehicle registration system.))


    Sec. 15.  RCW 46.16.260 and 1986 c 18 s 16 are each amended to read as follows:

    A certificate of license registration to be valid must have endorsed thereon the signature of the registered owner (if a firm or corporation, the signature of one of its officers or other duly authorized agent) and must be carried in the vehicle for which it is issued, at all times in the manner prescribed by the department.  It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or have in his possession a vehicle without carrying thereon such certificate of license registration.  Any person in charge of such vehicle shall, upon demand of any of the local authorities or of any police officer or of any representative of the department, permit an inspection of such certificate of license registration.  This section does not apply to a vehicle for which ((annual)) periodic renewal of its license plates is not required and which is marked in accordance with the provisions of RCW 46.08.065.


    Sec. 16.  RCW 46.16.313 and 1997 c 291 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The department may establish a fee for each type of special license plates issued under RCW 46.16.301(1) (a), (b), or (c), as existing before amendment by section 5, chapter 291, Laws of 1997, in an amount calculated to offset the cost of production of the special license plates and the administration of this program.  ((Until December 31, 1997, the fee shall not exceed thirty-five dollars, but effective with vehicle registrations due or to become due on January 1, 1998,)) The department may adjust the initial fee to no more than ((forty)) seventy dollars.  This fee is in addition to all other fees required to register and license the vehicle for which the plates have been requested.  All such additional special license plate fees collected by the department shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the motor vehicle fund.

    (2) ((Until December 31, 1997, in addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon application, registration, and renewal registration of a motor vehicle, the holder of a collegiate license plate shall pay a fee of thirty dollars.  The department shall deduct an amount not to exceed two dollars of each fee collected under this subsection for administration and collection expenses incurred by it.  The remaining proceeds, minus the cost of plate production, shall be remitted to the custody of the state treasurer with a proper identifying detailed report.  The state treasurer shall credit the funds to the appropriate collegiate license plate fund as provided in RCW 28B.10.890.

    (3))) Effective with vehicle registrations due or to become due on January 1, 1998, in addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon application and registration of a motor vehicle, the holder of a collegiate license plate shall pay an initial fee of ((forty)) seventy dollars.  The department shall deduct an amount not to exceed twelve dollars of each fee collected under this subsection for administration and collection expenses incurred by it.  The remaining proceeds shall be remitted to the custody of the state treasurer with a proper identifying detailed report.  The state treasurer shall credit the funds to the appropriate collegiate license plate fund as provided in RCW 28B.10.890.

    (((4))) (3) Effective with ((annual)) renewals due or to become due on January 1, 1999, in addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon renewal of a motor vehicle registration, the holder of a collegiate license plate shall pay a fee of ((thirty)) sixty dollars.  The department shall deduct an amount not to exceed two dollars of each fee collected under this subsection for administration and collection expenses incurred by it.  The remaining proceeds shall be remitted to the custody of the state treasurer with a proper identifying detailed report.  The state treasurer shall credit the funds to the appropriate collegiate license plate fund as provided in RCW 28B.10.890.

    (((5))) (4) In addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon application and registration of a motor vehicle, the holder of a special baseball stadium license plate shall pay an initial fee of ((forty)) seventy dollars.  The department shall deduct an amount not to exceed twelve dollars of each fee collected under this subsection for administration and collection expenses incurred by it.  The remaining proceeds, minus the cost of plate production, shall be distributed to a county for the purpose of paying the principal and interest payments on bonds issued by the county to construct a baseball stadium, as defined in RCW 82.14.0485, including reasonably necessary preconstruction costs, while the taxes are being collected under RCW 82.14.360.  After this date, the state treasurer shall credit the funds to the state general fund.

    (((6))) (5) Effective with annual renewals due or to become due on January 1, 1999, in addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon renewal of a motor vehicle registration, the holder of a special baseball stadium license plate shall pay a fee of ((thirty)) sixty dollars.  The department shall deduct an amount not to exceed two dollars of each fee collected under this subsection for administration and collection expenses incurred by it.  The remaining proceeds shall be distributed to a county for the purpose of paying the principal and interest payments on bonds issued by the county to construct a baseball stadium, as defined in RCW 82.14.0485, including reasonably necessary preconstruction costs, while the taxes are being collected under RCW 82.14.360.  After this date, the state treasurer shall credit the funds to the state general fund.


    Sec. 17.  RCW 46.16.505 and 1975 1st ex.s. c 118 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:

    It shall be unlawful for a person to operate any vehicle equipped with a camper over and along a public highway of this state without first having obtained and having in full force and effect a current and proper camper license and displaying a camper license number plate therefor as required by law:  PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That if a camper is part of the inventory of a manufacturer or dealer and is unoccupied at all times, and a dated demonstration permit, valid for no more than seventy-two hours is carried in the motor vehicle at all times it is operated by any such individual, such camper may be demonstrated if carried upon an appropriately licensed vehicle.

    Application for an original camper license shall be made on a form furnished for the purpose by the director.  Such application shall be made by the owner of the camper or his duly authorized agent over the signature of such owner or agent, and he shall certify that the statements therein are true and to the best of his knowledge.  The application must show:

    (1) Name and address of the owner of the camper;

    (2) Trade name of the camper, model, year, and the serial number thereof;

    (3) Such other information as the director requires.

    There shall be paid and collected ((annually)) biennially for each registration ((year)) period or fractional part thereof and upon each camper a license fee or, if the camper was previously licensed in this state and has not been registered in another jurisdiction in the intervening period, a renewal license fee.  Such license fee shall be in the sum of ((four)) nine dollars and ((ninety)) eighty cents, and such renewal license fee shall be in the sum of ((three)) seven dollars ((and fifty cents)).

    Except as otherwise provided for in this section, the provisions of chapter 46.16 RCW shall apply to campers in the same manner as they apply to vehicles.


    Sec. 18.  RCW 46.16.585 and 1979 ex.s. c 136 s 51 are each amended to read as follows:

    In addition to the regular registration fee, and any other fees and taxes required to be paid upon registration, the applicant shall be charged a fee of ((thirty)) sixty dollars.  In addition to the regular renewal fee, and in addition to any other fees and taxes required to be paid, the applicant for a renewal of such plates shall be charged an additional fee of ((twenty)) forty dollars:  PROVIDED, That any person who purchased personalized license plates containing three letters and three digits on or between the dates of August 9, 1971, and November 6, 1973, shall not be required to pay the additional ((annual)) renewal fee of ((twenty)) forty dollars commencing with the year 1976.  All personalized license plates must be renewed ((on an annual basis)) biennially, regardless of whether a vehicle on which they are displayed will not be driven on public highways or may also be eligible to display permanent license plates valid for the life of such vehicle without ((annual)) biennial renewal.  Personalized license plates that are not renewed must be surrendered to the department, and failure to do so is a traffic infraction.


    Sec. 19.  RCW 46.16.606 and 1991 sp.s. c 7 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:

    In addition to the fees imposed in RCW 46.16.585 for application and renewal of personalized license plates an additional fee of ((ten)) twenty dollars shall be charged.  The revenue from the additional fee shall be deposited in the state wildlife fund and used for the management of resources associated with the nonconsumptive use of wildlife.


    Sec. 20.  RCW 46.16.630 and 1997 c 241 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:

    Application for registration of a moped shall be made to the department of licensing in such manner and upon such forms as the department shall prescribe, and shall state the name and address of each owner of the moped to be registered, the vehicle identification number, and such other information as the department may require, and shall be accompanied by a registration fee of ((three)) six dollars.  Upon receipt of the application and the application fee, the moped shall be registered and a registration number assigned, which shall be affixed to the moped in the manner as provided by rules adopted by the department.  The registration provided in this section shall be valid for a period of ((twelve months)) two years.

    Every owner of a moped in this state shall renew the registration, in such manner as the department shall prescribe, for an additional period of ((twelve months)) two years, upon payment of a renewal fee of ((three)) six dollars.

    Any person acquiring a moped already validly registered must, within fifteen days of the acquisition or purchase of the moped, make application to the department for transfer of the registration, and the application shall be accompanied by a transfer fee of one dollar and twenty-five cents.

    The registration fees provided in this section shall be in lieu of any personal property tax or the vehicle excise tax imposed by chapter 82.44 RCW.

    The department shall, at the time the registration number is assigned, make available a decal or other identifying device to be displayed on the moped.  A fee of one dollar and fifty cents shall be charged for the decal or other identifying device.

    The provisions of RCW 46.01.130 and 46.01.140 shall apply to applications for the issuance of registration numbers or renewals or transfers thereof for mopeds as they do to the issuance of vehicle licenses, the appointment of agents, and the collection of application fees.  Except for the fee collected pursuant to RCW 46.01.140, all fees collected under this section shall be deposited in the motor vehicle fund.


    Sec. 21.  RCW 46.16.670 and 1991 c 302 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

    In addition to any other fee required under this chapter, boat trailers shall ((annually)) biennially pay a fee of ((three)) six dollars.  The proceeds of this fee shall be deposited in the freshwater aquatic weeds account under RCW 43.21A.650.


    Sec. 22.  RCW 46.68.030 and 1990 c 42 s 109 are each amended to read as follows:

    Except for proceeds from fees for vehicle licensing for vehicles paying such fees under RCW 46.16.070 and 46.16.085, and as otherwise provided for in chapter 46.16 RCW, all fees received by the director for vehicle licenses under the provisions of chapter 46.16 RCW shall be forwarded to the state treasurer, accompanied by a proper identifying detailed report, and be deposited to the credit of the motor vehicle fund, except that the proceeds from the vehicle license fee and renewal license fee shall be deposited by the state treasurer as hereinafter provided.  After ((July 1, 1981, that portion)) January 1, 2003, $40.70 of each vehicle license fee ((in excess of $7.40)) and ((that portion)) $40.70 of each renewal license fee ((in excess of $3.40)) shall be deposited in the state patrol highway account in the motor vehicle fund, hereby created.  Vehicle license fees, renewal license fees, and all other funds in the state patrol highway account shall be for the sole use of the Washington state patrol for highway activities of the Washington state patrol, subject to proper appropriations and reappropriations therefor, for any fiscal biennium after June 30, ((1981)) 2001, and twenty-seven and three-tenths percent of the proceeds from (($7.40)) $14.80 of each vehicle license fee and (($3.40)) $6.80 of each renewal license fee shall be deposited each biennium in the Puget Sound ferry operations account.  Any remaining amounts of vehicle license fees and renewal license fees that are not deposited in the Puget Sound ferry operations account shall be deposited in the motor vehicle fund.


    Sec. 23.  RCW 46.68.035 and 2000 2nd sp.s. c 4 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:

    All proceeds from combined vehicle licensing fees received by the director for vehicles licensed under RCW 46.16.070 and 46.16.085 shall be forwarded to the state treasurer to be distributed into accounts according to the following method:

    (1) The sum of two dollars for each vehicle, or four dollars for each vehicle paying fees biennially under RCW 46.16.070 or 46.16.085, shall be deposited into the multimodal transportation account, except that for each vehicle registered by a county auditor or agent to a county auditor pursuant to RCW 46.01.140, the sum of two dollars, or four dollars for each vehicle paying fees biennially under RCW 46.16.070 or 46.16.085, shall be credited to the current county expense fund.

    (2) The remainder shall be distributed as follows:

    (a) 23.677 percent shall be deposited into the state patrol highway account of the motor vehicle fund;

    (b) 1.521 percent shall be deposited into the Puget Sound ferry operations account of the motor vehicle fund; and

    (c) The remaining proceeds shall be deposited into the motor vehicle fund.


    Sec. 24.  RCW 81.100.060 and 1998 c 321 s 34 are each amended to read as follows:

    A county with a population of one million or more and a county with a population of from two hundred ten thousand to less than one million that is adjoining a county with a population of one million or more, having within their boundaries existing or planned high occupancy vehicle lanes on the state highway system may, with voter approval, impose a biennial local surcharge of not more than ((13.64)) 27.28 percent on the state motor vehicle excise tax paid under RCW 82.44.020(1) on vehicles registered to a person residing within the county and on the state sales and use taxes paid under the rate in RCW 82.08.020(2) on retail car rentals within the county.  No surcharge may be imposed on vehicles licensed under RCW 46.16.070 except vehicles with an unladen weight of six thousand pounds or less, RCW 46.16.079, 46.16.085, or 46.16.090.

    Counties imposing a tax under this section shall contract, before the effective date of the resolution or ordinance imposing a surcharge, for the biennial administration and collection ((to)) of the vehicle surcharge by the state department of licensing, and department of revenue, as appropriate, which shall deduct an amount, as provided by contract, for administration and collection expenses incurred by the department.  All administrative provisions in chapters 82.03, 82.32, and 82.44 RCW shall, insofar as they are applicable to state motor vehicle excise taxes, be applicable to surcharges imposed under this section.  All administrative provisions in chapters 82.03, 82.08, 82.12, and 82.32 RCW shall, insofar as they are applicable to state sales and use taxes, be applicable to surcharges imposed under this section.

    If the tax authorized in RCW 81.100.030 is also imposed by the county, the total proceeds from tax sources imposed under this section and RCW 81.100.030 each year shall not exceed the maximum amount which could be collected under this section.


    Sec. 25.  RCW 81.104.160 and 1998 c 321 s 35 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) Cities that operate transit systems, county transportation authorities, metropolitan municipal corporations, public transportation benefit areas, and regional transit authorities may submit an authorizing proposition to the voters, and if approved, may levy and collect ((an)) a biennial excise tax, at a rate approved by the voters, but not exceeding ((eighty)) one and sixty one-hundredths of one percent on the value, under chapter 82.44 RCW, of every motor vehicle owned by a resident of the taxing district, solely for the purpose of providing high capacity transportation service.  In any county imposing a motor vehicle excise tax surcharge pursuant to RCW 81.100.060, the maximum tax rate under this section shall be reduced to a rate equal to ((eighty)) one and sixty one-hundredths of one percent on the value less the equivalent motor vehicle excise tax rate of the surcharge imposed pursuant to RCW 81.100.060.  This rate shall not apply to vehicles licensed under RCW 46.16.070 except vehicles with an unladen weight of six thousand pounds or less, RCW 46.16.079, 46.16.085, or 46.16.090.

    (2) An agency imposing a tax under subsection (1) of this section may also impose a sales and use tax solely for the purpose of providing high capacity transportation service, in addition to the tax authorized by RCW 82.14.030, upon retail car rentals within the agency's jurisdiction that are taxable by the state under chapters 82.08 and 82.12 RCW.  The rate of tax shall not exceed 2.172 percent.  The rate of tax imposed under this subsection shall bear the same ratio to the 2.172 percent rate authorized that the rate imposed under subsection (1) of this section bears to the rate authorized under subsection (1) of this section.  The base of the tax shall be the selling price in the case of a sales tax or the rental value of the vehicle used in the case of a use tax.  The revenue collected under this subsection shall be used in the same manner as excise taxes under subsection (1) of this section.


    Sec. 26.  RCW 82.80.020 and 2001 c 64 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The legislative authority of a county, or subject to subsection (7) of this section, a qualifying city or town located in a county that has not imposed a ((fifteen)) thirty-dollar fee under this section, may fix and impose an additional fee, not to exceed ((fifteen)) thirty dollars per vehicle, for each vehicle that is subject to biennial license fees under RCW 46.16.0621 and for each vehicle that is subject to biennial gross weight fees under RCW 46.16.070 with an unladen weight of six thousand pounds or less, and that is determined by the department of licensing to be registered within the boundaries of the county.

    (2) The department of licensing shall administer and collect the fee.  The department shall deduct a percentage amount, as provided by contract, not to exceed two percent of the taxes collected, for administration and collection expenses incurred by it.  The remaining proceeds shall be remitted to the custody of the state treasurer for monthly distribution under RCW 82.80.080.

    (3) The proceeds of this fee shall be used strictly for transportation purposes in accordance with RCW 82.80.070.

    (4) A county or qualifying city or town imposing this fee or initiating an exemption process shall delay the effective date at least six months from the date the ordinance is enacted to allow the department of licensing to implement administration and collection of or exemption from the fee.

    (5) The legislative authority of a county or qualifying city or town may develop and initiate an exemption process of the ((fifteen)) thirty-dollar fee for the registered owners of vehicles residing within the boundaries of the county or qualifying city or town:  (a) Who are sixty-one years old or older at the time payment of the fee is due and whose household income for the previous calendar year is less than an amount prescribed by the county or qualifying city or town legislative authority; or (b) who have a physical disability.

    (6) The legislative authority of a county or qualifying city or town shall develop and initiate an exemption process of the ((fifteen)) thirty-dollar fee for vehicles registered within the boundaries of the county that are licensed under RCW 46.16.374.

    (7) For purposes of this section, a "qualifying city or town" means a city or town residing within a county having a population of greater than seventy-five thousand in which is located all or part of a national monument.  A qualifying city or town may impose the fee authorized in subsection (1) of this section subject to the following conditions and limitations:

    (a) The city or town may impose the fee only if authorized to do so by a majority of voters voting at a general or special election on a proposition for that purpose.  At a minimum, the ballot measure shall contain:  (i) A description of the transportation project proposed for funding, properly identified by mileposts or other designations that specify the project parameters; (ii) the proposed number of months or years necessary to fund the city or town's share of the project cost; and (iii) the amount of fee to be imposed for the project.

    (b) The city or town may not impose a fee that, if combined with the county fee, exceeds ((fifteen)) thirty dollars.  If a county imposes or increases a fee under this section that, if combined with the fee imposed by a city or town, exceeds ((fifteen)) thirty dollars, the city or town fee shall be reduced or eliminated as needed so that in no city or town does the combined fee exceed ((fifteen)) thirty dollars.  All revenues from county-imposed fees shall be distributed as called for in RCW 82.80.080.

    (c) Any fee imposed by a city or town under this section shall expire at the end of the term of months or years provided in the ballot measure, or when the city or town's bonded indebtedness on the project is retired, whichever is sooner.

    (8) The fee imposed under subsection (7) of this section shall apply only to renewals and shall not apply to ownership transfer transactions.


    Sec. 27.  RCW 46.01.140 and 2001 c 331 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The county auditor, if appointed by the director of licensing shall carry out the provisions of this title relating to the licensing of vehicles and the issuance of vehicle license number plates under the direction and supervision of the director and may with the approval of the director appoint assistants as special deputies and recommend subagents to accept applications and collect fees for vehicle licenses and transfers and to deliver vehicle license number plates.

    (2) A county auditor appointed by the director may request that the director appoint subagencies within the county.

    (a) Upon authorization of the director, the auditor shall use an open competitive process including, but not limited to, a written business proposal and oral interview to determine the qualifications of all interested applicants.

    (b) A subagent may recommend a successor who is either the subagent's sibling, spouse, or child, or a subagency employee, as long as the recommended successor participates in the open, competitive process used to select an applicant.  In making successor recommendation and appointment determinations, the following provisions apply:

    (i) If a subagency is held by a partnership or corporate entity, the nomination must be submitted on behalf of, and agreed to by, all partners or corporate officers.

    (ii) No subagent may receive any direct or indirect compensation or remuneration from any party or entity in recognition of a successor nomination.  A subagent may not receive any financial benefit from the transfer or termination of an appointment.

    (iii) (a) and (b) of this subsection are intended to assist in the efficient transfer of appointments in order to minimize public inconvenience.  They do not create a proprietary or property interest in the appointment.

    (c) The auditor shall submit all proposals to the director, and shall recommend the appointment of one or more subagents who have applied through the open competitive process.  The auditor shall include in his or her recommendation to the director, not only the name of the successor who is a relative or employee, if applicable and if otherwise qualified, but also the name of one other applicant who is qualified and was chosen through the open competitive process.  The director has final appointment authority.

    (3)(a) A county auditor who is appointed as an agent by the department shall enter into a standard contract provided by the director, developed with the advice of the title and registration advisory committee.

    (b) A subagent appointed under subsection (2) of this section shall enter into a standard contract with the county auditor, developed with the advice of the title and registration advisory committee.  The director shall provide the standard contract to county auditors.

    (c) The contracts provided for in (a) and (b) of this subsection must contain at a minimum provisions that:

    (i) Describe the responsibilities, and where applicable, the liability, of each party relating to the service expectations and levels, equipment to be supplied by the department, and equipment maintenance;

    (ii) Require the specific type of insurance or bonds so that the state is protected against any loss of collected motor vehicle tax revenues or loss of equipment;

    (iii) Specify the amount of training that will be provided by the state, the county auditor, or subagents;

    (iv) Describe allowable costs that may be charged to vehicle licensing activities as provided for in (d) of this subsection;

    (v) Describe the causes and procedures for termination of the contract, which may include mediation and binding arbitration.

    (d) The department shall develop procedures that will standardize and prescribe allowable costs that may be assigned to vehicle licensing and vessel registration and title activities performed by county auditors.

    (e) The contracts may include any provision that the director deems necessary to ensure acceptable service and the full collection of vehicle and vessel tax revenues.

    (f) The director may waive any provisions of the contract deemed necessary in order to ensure that readily accessible service is provided to the citizens of the state.

    (4)(a) At any time any application is made to the director, the county auditor, or other agent pursuant to any law dealing with licenses, registration, or the right to operate any vehicle or vessel upon the public highways or waters of this state, excluding applicants already paying such fee under RCW 46.16.070 or 46.16.085, the applicant shall pay to the director, county auditor, or other agent a fee of ((three)) five dollars for each application in addition to any other fees required by law.

    (b) Counties that do not cover the expenses of vehicle licensing and vessel registration and title activities may submit to the department a request for cost-coverage moneys.  The request must be submitted on a form developed by the department.  The department shall develop procedures to verify whether a request is reasonable.  Payment shall be made on requests found to be allowable from the licensing services account.

    (c) Applicants for certificates of ownership, including applicants paying fees under RCW 46.16.070 or 46.16.085, shall pay to the director, county auditor, or other agent a fee of four dollars in addition to any other fees required by law.

    (d) The fees under (a) and (c) of this subsection, if paid to the county auditor as agent of the director, or if paid to a subagent of the county auditor, shall be paid to the county treasurer in the same manner as other fees collected by the county auditor and credited to the county current expense fund.  If the fee is paid to another agent of the director, the fee shall be used by the agent to defray his or her expenses in handling the application.

    (e) Applicants required to pay the three-dollar fee established under (a) of this subsection, must pay an additional ((fifty cents)) one dollar, which must be collected and remitted to the state treasurer for deposit into the department of licensing services account of the motor vehicle fund.  Revenue deposited into this account must be used for agent and subagent support, which is to include but not be limited to the replacement of department-owned equipment in the possession of agents and subagents.

    (5) A subagent shall collect a service fee of (a) eight dollars and fifty cents for changes in a certificate of ownership, with or without registration renewal, or verification of record and preparation of an affidavit of lost title other than at the time of the title application or transfer and (b) ((three)) five dollars and fifty cents for registration renewal only, issuing a transit permit, or any other service under this section.

    (6) If the fee is collected by the state patrol as agent for the director, the fee so collected shall be certified to the state treasurer and deposited to the credit of the state patrol highway account.  If the fee is collected by the department of transportation as agent for the director, the fee shall be certified to the state treasurer and deposited to the credit of the motor vehicle fund.  All such fees collected by the director or branches of his office shall be certified to the state treasurer and deposited to the credit of the highway safety fund.

    (7) Any county revenues that exceed the cost of providing vehicle licensing and vessel registration and title activities in a county, calculated in accordance with the procedures in subsection (3)(d) of this section, shall be expended as determined by the county legislative authority during the process established by law for adoption of county budgets.

    (8) The director may adopt rules to implement this section.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 28.  This act applies to registrations that are due or to become due January 1, 2003.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 29.  Fee increases provided in this act do not constitute new transportation revenue for the purposes of chapter 5, Laws of 2002.


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