May 7, 2001
To the Honorable Speakers and Members,
The House of Representatives of the State of Washington
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am returning herewith, without my approval as to section 9, Substitute House Bill No. 1678 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to advance right-of-way acquisition;"
Substitute House Bill No. 1678 creates the city and county advance right of way revolving fund. This account was recommended by the Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation, and will allow local governments to acquire land in advance of construction, as funds become available. This has proved to be a very effective tool at the state level, allowing construction to start as soon as construction funding is available.
Section 9 of the bill would have rendered the fund null and void if there is no appropriation for the fund in this year's biennial transportation budget. I strongly support the revolving fund, and have recommended an appropriation in my transportation budget proposal. I urge the legislature to do the same. Clearly, the merits of this bill extend beyond June 30th of this year.
For these reasons I have vetoed section 9 of Substitute House Bill No. 1678.
With the exception of section 9, Substitute House Bill No. 1678 is approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Locke