HB 1607-S - DIGEST


                (SUBSTITUTED FOR - SEE 2ND SUB)


     Finds and declares:  (1) Teacher qualifications and effectiveness are the most important influences on student learning in schools.

     (2) Preparation of individuals to become well-qualified, effective teachers must be high quality.

     (3) Teachers who complete high-quality alternative route programs with intensive field-based experience, adequate coursework, and strong mentorship do as well or better than teachers who complete traditional preparation programs.

     (4) High-quality alternative route programs can provide more flexibility and expedience for individuals to transition from their current career to teaching.

     (5) High-quality alternative route programs can help school districts fill subject matter shortage areas and areas with shortages due to geographic location.

     (6) Regardless of route, all candidates for teacher certification must meet the high standards required by the state.

     Requires the Washington state institute for public policy to submit to the education and fiscal committees of the legislature, the governor, the state board of education, and the Washington professional educator standards board, an interim evaluation of partnership grant programs funded under this chapter by December 1, 2002, and a final evaluation by September 1, 2004.