HB 1728-S2.E - DIGEST


               (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 3/14/01)


     Directs the insurance commissioner to establish the task force on third-party administrator regulation.

     Requires the task force to review the need for regulation of third-party administrators, including:

     (1) Network adequacy and disclosure of network adequacy standards;

     (2) Provider application and credentialing processes;

     (3) The consistency of third-party administrator standards and benefit packages sold by health carriers, including utilization guidelines;

     (4) The revocation of prior authorization;

     (5) The receipt of provider claims; and

     (6) The classes of third-party administrators that should be subject to state regulation.

     Requires the task force to report its findings and recommendations to the legislature no later than December 15, 2001.