HB 2089-S - DIGEST




     Declares an intent that part-time academic employees of community and technical colleges receive fair compensation and employment opportunities.

     Provides that, to the extent funds are available, part-time academic employees of community and technical colleges shall receive proportional pay based on proportional duties, distributed in equal amounts on a yearly basis until 2010 or until proportional pay has been achieved.  Proportional duties shall be determined by each institution through the local decision-making process.

     Provides that, in order to assist the legislature in making future decisions regarding part-time faculty issues at the community and technical colleges, the state board for community and technical colleges shall provide uniform data for each community and technical college regarding part-time faculty on a yearly basis beginning with academic year 1999.

     Directs colleges, where possible, to increase the number of full-time faculty positions based on the current workloads of their respective part-time faculty.