HB 2568 - DIGEST


                (SUBSTITUTED FOR - SEE 1ST SUB)


     Requires the department to investigate incidents at the state school for the deaf involving alleged child abuse and neglect, including incidents involving students victimizing other students, and determine whether the alleged abuse or neglect has occurred, and whether a referral to child protective services or a law enforcement agency is appropriate.

     Requires the department to make recommendations for safety improvements following an investigation of an alleged incident of child abuse or neglect at the state school for the deaf, if appropriate.  The recommendations will be sent to the school's superintendent and board of trustees or its successor board.

     Directs the department to inspect the state school for the deaf periodically, including but not limited to examining the policies and procedures as well as the facilities.

     Requires the department to conduct a comprehensive health and safety review of the state school for the deaf every three years. The first comprehensive review must be delivered to the governor, the legislature, the school's superintendent, and the school's board of trustees by December 1, 2005.