SB 5412-S - DIGEST




     Declares an intent: (1) To adopt a policy of adequately funding the rendering of decisions on applications; (2) to establish a process, based on adoption of level of service standards, that will help the department of ecology and the legislature to make informed and objective choices regarding funding; and (3) to provide for the reduction of the current large accumulation of pending applications to a reasonable level over a reasonable period of time.

     Requires that, by September 1, 2001, in consultation with affected interests, the department of ecology shall: Develop level of service standards for rendering decisions on applications for a water right, transfer, or change; determine the existing levels of service in each water resource inventory area established in chapter 173-500 WAC; develop strategies and funding requirements for achieving levels of service; and present alternative levels of service for rendering decisions on applications to the legislature together with funding estimates.

     Requires the department to reduce the accumulation of applications as it exists on June 30, 2001, by a minimum of one thousand by June 30, 2002.