SB 6313 - DIGEST


                (SUBSTITUTED FOR - SEE 1ST SUB)


     Finds that fishing gear that is lost or abandoned may continue to catch marine organisms long after the gear is lost.

     Declares that the purpose of this act is to develop safe, effective methods to remove derelict fishing gear, eliminate regulatory barriers to gear removal, and discourage future losses of fishing gear.

     Requires the department, in consultation with the Northwest straits commission, the department of natural resources, and other interested parties, to create and maintain a data base of known derelict fishing gear, including the type of gear and its location.

     Requires a person who loses or abandons commercial fishing gear within the waters of the state to report the location of the loss and the type of gear lost to the department within forty-eight hours of the loss.

     Directs the department, in consultation with fishing industry groups and tribal comanagers, to evaluate methods to reduce future losses of fishing gear and report the results of this evaluation to the appropriate legislative committees by January 1, 2003.