SB 6491 - DIGEST
Revises provisions relating to criminal history background checks by state agencies to meet federal standards for criminal background checks for the liquor control board and the gambling commission.
Provides that all national criminal history background checks shall be conducted using fingerprints submitted to the United States department of justice-federal bureau of investigation. The commission must establish rules to delineate which persons named on the application are subject to national criminal history background checks. In identifying these persons, the commission must take into consideration the nature, character, size, and scope of the gambling activities requested by the persons making such applications.
Provides that the board may submit the criminal history record information check to the Washington state patrol and to the identification division of the federal bureau of investigation in order that these agencies may search their records for prior arrests and convictions of the individual or individuals who filled out the forms. The board shall require fingerprinting of any applicant whose criminal history record information check is submitted to the federal bureau of investigation.