1002-S AMH HINK H2040.1

SHB 1002 - H AMD TO H AMD (1002-S AMH HUNS CALL 43) 39

By Representative Hinkle




On page 4, beginning on line 5 of the amendment, strike all of subsection (3) and insert the following:

"(3) Effective January 1, 2006, no person may sell, install, or reinstall a commercial or residential thermostat that contains mercury unless the manufacturer of the thermostat conducts or participates in a thermostat recovery or recycling program designed to assist contractors in the proper disposal of thermostats that contain mercury in accordance with 42 U.S.C. Sec. 6901, et seq., the federal resource conservation and recovery act."




EFFECT: Limits the sales prohibition on thermostats to those manufacturers not participating in a recycling or recovery program and eliminates the requirement that thermometer manufacturers must fund a public education campaign.





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