1009-S AMH DEBO H2450.1

SHB 1009 - H AMD 219

By Representative DeBolt


FAILED 03/18/2003


Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:


"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that the entertainment software industry's computer and video game rating and content descriptor system reflect that some computer and video games are suitable only for adults due to graphic depictions of sex, violence, and/or language. Federal government reports indicate that parents are involved in over eighty percent of the purchase decisions for video games. The legislature encourages parents to utilize the rating system, and also encourages the entertainment software industry to develop strategies aimed at educating retailers regarding the sale of computer and video games with content intended for consumers who are eighteen or older only to age-appropriate consumers.


NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. (1) The superintendent of public instruction shall convene a working group to design an education effort to be directed at parents and retailers of video and computer games within the state of Washington regarding the entertainment software rating board (ESRB) rating system in order to prevent the sale or rental of "M" rated games to persons under the age of seventeen.

(2) The superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee shall chair the working group and the superintendent shall request representatives from the following groups to participate in the working group: Companies that design or develop video or computer games; retailers who sell video or computer games; video and computer game industry associations; and any other directly interested parties. Two members of the senate, one appointed by the majority leader and one appointed by the minority leader and two members of the house of representatives, one appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and one appointed by the minority leader shall be members of the working group.

(3) The working group shall focus on making the following assessments:

(a) Work with the computer and video game industry and local and state governments to assess what successful strategies have been implemented to prevent the sale or rental of "M" rated games to persons under the age of seventeen;

(b) Determine and assess strategies that have been effective in educating retailers who sell video or computer games about the ESRB rating system; and

(c) Assess how government can best educate parents about the ESRB rating system.

(4) The working group shall develop recommendations for an education effort to be directed at parents and retailers of video and computer games within the state of Washington aimed at preventing the sale or rental of "M" rated games to persons under the age of seventeen. The working group shall deliver its recommendations in a report to the relevant committees of the legislature by December 1, 2003."


Correct the title.





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