1204-S AMH ROAD H2399.3

SHB 1204 - H AMD 181

By Representative Roach


WITHDRAWN 03/17/2003


Beginning on page 1, after line 11, strike everything through "years." on page 2, line 36, and insert the following:

"(a) One member of the senate appointed by the president of the senate;

(b) One member of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker;

(c) Five active members of the state retirement systems appointed by the governor for staggered three-year terms, with no more than two appointees representing any one employee retirement system;

(d) Four retired members of the state retirement systems appointed by the governor for staggered three-year terms, with no more than two members from the same system;

(e) Four employer representatives of members of the state retirement systems appointed by the governor for staggered three-year terms; and

(f) Two nonvoting members with expertise in public pensions appointed by the governor.

(2)(a) The term of office of the member of the house of representatives or senate serving on the committee runs from the close of the session in which he or she is appointed until the close of the next regular session held in an odd-numbered year. If a successor is not appointed during a session, the member's term continues until the member is reappointed or a successor is appointed. The term of office for a committee member who is a member of the house of representatives or the senate who does not continue as a member of the senate or house of representatives ceases upon the convening of the next session of the legislature during the odd-numbered year following the member's appointment, or upon the member's resignation, whichever is earlier.

(b) Following the terms of members and representatives appointed under subsection (1)(d) of this section, the retiree positions shall be rotated to ensure that each system has an opportunity to have a retiree representative on the committee.

(3) The committee shall elect a chairperson and a vice- chairperson."





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