1557-S AMH DICK H2480.2

SHB 1557 - H AMD 281

By Representative Dickerson


ADOPTED 03/19/2003


On page 4, line 7, after "schedules." strike all material through "analysis." on line 8, and insert "To assist the panel in conducting its activities and analysis, the authority shall provide the panel all authority materials regarding financial risk analysis, materials associated with the interlocal agreement between the city and the authority, and any other materials related to the design, construction, operation, and financing of the public monorail transportation facility."




EFFECT: Removes authority for the Independent Oversight Panel, created to oversee monorail activities, to hire independent consulting firms to assist with its activities and analysis. Directs the monorail authority to provide to the Independent Oversight Panel all financial risk materials and other materials related to development of the monorail.





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