2320-S2 AMH ORCU CALL 023





2SHB 2320 - H AMD

By Representative Orcutt


   On page 3, line 13, after "entities" insert "once the department adopts a management plan under section 8 of this act for the aquatic lands that will be used as compensatory mitigation sites or compensatory mitigation bank sites"


   On page 3, line 25, after "processes" insert ", and the department must adopt a management plan under section 8 of this act for the site"


   On page 6, after line 26, insert the following:

   "NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. The department must develop a management plan for each compensatory mitigation site or compensatory mitigation bank site that it assumes management responsibility for under this chapter. The management plan must include both details as to how the necessary amount of funding for the endowment was calculated under section 3 of this act, and a detailed plan for the creation, enhancement, or preservation of the uplands, wetlands, or other aquatic resources on the site. All management plans adopted under this section must be agreed to by the department of fish and wildlife, the department of ecology, and, if applicable, the city or county in which the aquatic lands are located."


   On page 8, line 22, after "through" strike "9" and insert "10"


   Renumber the sections accordingly and correct any internal references.



EFFECT: Prohibits the Department of Natural Resources from collecting money for a compensatory mitigation endowment, or assuming management responsibility of a compensatory mitigation site, until a management plan is developed and agreed to by certain state and local entities for the site in question that outlines how the necessary funding was calculated and how enhancement of the site will occur.