3094 AMH HUNT FORR 072



HB 3094 - H AMD

By Representative Hunter


   On page 1, line 16, after "(1)" strike everything through "2004" on page 2, line 20, and insert the following:


   "The joint legislative audit and review committee shall conduct a study of the vocational skills centers in Washington's public K-12 educational system. The review shall include:

   (a) An update on the success of skills centers in assisting high school students prepare for future jobs, including the utilization of centers, the types of progress offered in the centers, and the placement of students;

   (b) An analysis of the annual fiscal resources available for these skills centers, including a breakdown of federal, state, local, and private funding;

   (c) A description and analysis of any conflicts between the resource requirements of these skills centers and those of the school districts that are part of the consortium supporting the skills centers; and

   (d) A description and analysis of those factors that both encourage and discourage student enrollments in the skills centers from participating school districts.

   (2) At a minimum, the committee shall consult with local high school skills center consortia, the superintendent of public instruction, the state board for community and technical colleges, the work force training and education coordinating board, the state board for community and technical colleges, the state apprenticeship and training council, and the center for career and

technical education. 

   (3) In conducting this study, the committee may select a sample of skills centers that reflect regional differences within the state. A report shall be submitted to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the legislature by March 15, 2005"





EFFECT: The study of skills centers is to be completed by JLARC rather than OSPI and the report is due to the Legislature by March, 15, 2005 instead of December 1, 2004. The study shall include an update on the success fo skills centers; an analysis of fiscal resources available to skills centers; a description of any conflicts between resource requirements of skills centers and their participating school districts; and an analysis of incentives and disincentives for school district participation in skills centers. JLARC is directed to consult with the same entities as in the substitute bill, as well as with the SPI.