6109-S AMH AGNR HIRS 004






By Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources



   Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

   "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 16.57 RCW to read as follows:

   (1) The director may adopt rules:

   (a) To support the agriculture industry in meeting federal requirements for the country-of-origin labeling of meat; and

   (b) To implement federal requirements for animal identification needed to trace the source of livestock for disease control and response purposes.

   (2) The director may cooperate with and enter into agreements with other states and agencies of federal government to carry out such a system and to promote consistency of regulation.

   (3) In exercising the authorities granted by this section, the director must consult the livestock identification advisory board created under RCW 16.57.015."