6302-S AMH HE AMH095


By Committee on Higher Education




    Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:


    "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 28B.10 RCW to read as follows:

    (1) A member of the Washington national guard or any other military reserve component who is a student at an institution of higher education and who is ordered for a period exceeding thirty days to either active state service, as defined in RCW 38.04.010, or to federal active military service has the following rights:

    (a) With regard to courses in which the person is enrolled, the person may:

    (i) Withdraw from one or more courses for which tuition and fees have been paid that are attributable to the courses. The tuition and fees must be credited to the person's account at the institution. Any refunds are subject to the requirements of the state or federal financial aid programs of origination. In such a case, the student shall not receive credit for the courses and shall not receive a failing grade, an incomplete, or other negative annotation on the student's record, and the student's grade point average shall not be altered or affected in any manner because of action under this item;

    (ii) Be given a grade of incomplete and be allowed to complete the course upon release from active duty under the institution's standard practice for completion of incompletes; or

    (iii) Continue and complete the course for full credit. Class sessions the student misses due to performance of state or federal active military service must be counted as excused absences and must not be used in any way to adversely impact the student's grade or standing in the class. Any student who selects this option is not, however, automatically excused from completing assignments due during the period the student is performing state or federal active military service. A letter grade or a grade of pass must only be awarded if, in the opinion of the faculty member teaching the course, the student has completed sufficient work and has demonstrated sufficient progress toward meeting course requirements to justify the grade;

    (b) To receive a refund of amounts paid for room, board, and fees attributable to the time period during which the student was serving in state or federal active military service and did not use the facilities or services for which the amounts were paid. Any refund of room, board, and fees is subject to the requirements of the state or federal financial aid programs of origination; and

    (c) If the student chooses to withdraw, the student has the right to be readmitted and enrolled as a student at the institution, without penalty or redetermination of admission eligibility, within one year following release from the state or federal active military service.

    (2) The protections in this section may be invoked as follows:

    (a) The person, or an appropriate officer from the military organization in which the person will be serving, must give written notice that the person is being, or has been, ordered to qualifying service; and

    (b) Upon written request from the institution, the person shall provide written verification of service.

    (3) This section provides minimum protections for students. Nothing in this section prevents institutions of higher education from providing additional options or protections to students who are ordered to state or federal active military service.


    Sec. 2. RCW 28B.15.600 and 2003 c 319 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The governing boards of the state universities, the regional universities, and The Evergreen State College may refund or cancel in full the tuition and services and activities fees if the student withdraws from a university or college course or program prior to the sixth day of instruction of the quarter or semester for which the fees have been paid or are due. If the student withdraws on or after the sixth day of instruction, the governing boards may refund or cancel up to one-half of the fees, provided such withdrawal occurs within the first thirty calendar days following the beginning of instruction. However, if a different policy is required by federal law in order for the institution of higher education to maintain eligibility for federal funding of programs, the governing board may adopt a refund policy that meets the minimum requirements of the federal law, and the policy may treat all students attending the institution in the same manner. Additionally, if federal law provides that students who receive federal financial aid must return a larger amount to the federal government than that refunded by the institution, the governing board may adopt a refund policy that uses the formula used to calculate the amount returned to the federal government, and the policy may treat all students attending the institution in the same manner.

    (2) The governing boards of the respective universities and college may adopt rules for the refund of tuition and fees for courses or programs that begin after the start of the regular quarter or semester.

    (3) The governing boards may extend the refund or cancellation period for students who withdraw for medical reasons ((or)), shall adopt policies that comply with section 1 of this act for students who are called into the military service of the United States, and may refund other fees pursuant to such rules as they may prescribe.


    Sec. 3. RCW 28B.15.605 and 1995 c 36 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The governing boards of the community colleges and technical colleges shall refund or cancel up to one hundred percent but no less than eighty percent of the tuition and services and activities fees if the student withdraws from a college course or program before the sixth day of instruction of the regular quarter for which the fees have been paid or are due. If the student withdraws on or after the sixth day of instruction, the governing boards shall refund or cancel up to fifty percent but no less than forty percent of the fees provided such withdrawal occurs within the first twenty calendar days following the beginning of instruction. However, if a different policy is required by federal law in order for the college to maintain eligibility for federal funding of programs, the governing board may adopt a refund policy that meets the minimum requirements of the federal law and the policy may treat all students attending the institution in the same manner.

    (2) The governing boards of the respective community college or technical college shall adopt rules consistent with subsection (1) of this section for the refund of tuition and fees for the summer quarter and for courses or programs that begin after the start of the regular quarter.

    (3) The governing boards of community colleges and technical colleges ((may adopt rules to comply with RCW 28B.15.623 and)) may extend the refund or cancellation period for students who withdraw for medical reasons ((or)) and shall adopt policies that comply with section 1 of this act for students who are called into the military service of the United States.


    Sec. 4. RCW 28B.15.625 and 1991 c 164 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:

    Private vocational schools and private higher education institutions are encouraged to provide students ((deployed either to the Persian Gulf combat zone, as designated by the president of the United States through executive order, or in another location in support of the Persian Gulf combat zone, with the choice of tuition refunds or one free term, as provided under RCW 28B.10.017 and 28B.15.623 for)) who are members of the Washington national guard or any other military reserve component and who are ordered for a period exceeding thirty days into active state service or federal active military service the same rights and opportunities provided under section 1 of this act by public higher education institutions.


    NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 61.24 RCW to read as follows:

    All of the rights, duties, and privileges conveyed under the federal servicemembers civil relief act, P.L. 108-189, are applicable to deeds of trust under Washington law.


    Sec. 6. RCW 84.56.020 and 1996 c 153 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The county treasurer shall be the receiver and collector of all taxes extended upon the tax rolls of the county, whether levied for state, county, school, bridge, road, municipal or other purposes, and also of all fines, forfeitures or penalties received by any person or officer for the use of his or her county. All taxes upon real and personal property made payable by the provisions of this title shall be due and payable to the treasurer on or before the thirtieth day of April and, except as provided in this section, shall be delinquent after that date.

    (2) Each tax statement shall include a notice that checks for payment of taxes may be made payable to "Treasurer of . . . . . . County" or other appropriate office, but tax statements shall not include any suggestion that checks may be made payable to the name of the individual holding the office of treasurer nor any other individual.

    (3) When the total amount of tax or special assessments on personal property or on any lot, block or tract of real property payable by one person is fifty dollars or more, and if one-half of such tax be paid on or before the thirtieth day of April, the remainder of such tax shall be due and payable on or before the thirty-first day of October following and shall be delinquent after that date.

    (4) When the total amount of tax or special assessments on any lot, block or tract of real property or on any mobile home payable by one person is fifty dollars or more, and if one-half of such tax be paid after the thirtieth day of April but before the thirty-first day of October, together with the applicable interest and penalty on the full amount of tax payable for that year, the remainder of such tax shall be due and payable on or before the thirty-first day of October following and shall be delinquent after that date.

    (5) Delinquent taxes under this section are subject to interest at the rate of twelve percent per annum computed on a monthly basis on the full year amount of tax unpaid from the date of delinquency until paid. Interest shall be calculated at the rate in effect at the time of payment of the tax, regardless of when the taxes were first delinquent. In addition, delinquent taxes under this section are subject to penalties as follows:

    (a) A penalty of three percent of the full year amount of tax unpaid shall be assessed on the tax delinquent on June 1st of the year in which the tax is due.

    (b) An additional penalty of eight percent shall be assessed on the amount of tax delinquent on December 1st of the year in which the tax is due.

    (6) Subsection (5) of this section notwithstanding, no interest or penalties may be assessed for the period April 30, ((1996)) 2003, through ((December 31, 1996)) April 30, 2005, on delinquent taxes imposed ((in 1995)) for collection in ((1996)) 2003 or 2004 which are imposed on the personal residences owned by military personnel who participated in the situation known as "((Joint Endeavor)) Operation Enduring Freedom."

    (7) For purposes of this chapter, "interest" means both interest and penalties.

    (8) All collections of interest on delinquent taxes shall be credited to the county current expense fund; but the cost of foreclosure and sale of real property, and the fees and costs of distraint and sale of personal property, for delinquent taxes, shall, when collected, be credited to the operation and maintenance fund of the county treasurer prosecuting the foreclosure or distraint or sale; and shall be used by the county treasurer as a revolving fund to defray the cost of further foreclosure, distraint and sale for delinquent taxes without regard to budget limitations.


    NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately."




By Committee on Higher Education


ADOPTED 3/5/04


    On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "service;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 28B.15.600, 28B.15.605, 28B.15.625, and 84.56.020; adding a new section to chapter 28B.10 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 61.24 RCW; and declaring an emergency."





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