EHB 1090
C 266 L 03
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Extending the task force against trafficking of persons.
Sponsors: By Representatives Veloria, Roach, O'Brien, Bush, Lantz, Clements, Linville, Kenney, Boldt, Sullivan, Upthegrove, Chase, Darneille, Hudgins and Edwards.
House Committee on Criminal Justice & Corrections
Senate Committee on Judiciary
Senate Committee on Children & Family Services & Corrections
The 2002 Legislature established the Washington State Task Force Against the Trafficking of Persons (Task Force). The Task Force consists of the following persons (or their designees): the Director of the Office of Community Development; the Secretary of the Department of Health; the Secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services; the Director of the Department of Labor and Industries; and the Commissioner of the Employment Security Department. In addition, the Task Force includes nine members, selected by the Director of the Office of Community Development, that represent the public and private sector organizations that provide assistance to persons who are victims of trafficking. With the exception of travel expenses, all members of the Task Force served without compensation. Administrative and clerical support to the Task Force is provided by the Office of Community Development.
The Task Force is responsible for the following activities:
• measuring and evaluating the progress of the state's trafficking prevention activities;
• identifying federal, state, and local programs that provide victims of trafficking with services such as health care, human services, housing, education, legal assistance, job training or preparation, interpreting services, English as a second language classes, and victim's compensation; and
• making recommendations on how to provide a coordinated system of support and assistance to victims of trafficking.
The Task Force was to provide a report to the Governor and the Legislature by November 30, 2002, on its findings and recommendations on trafficking in Washington.
The Task Force provisions expire March 1, 2003.
The expiration date of the Task Force is extended to June 30, 2004 (from March 1, 2003). The Task Force must provide a supplemental report to the Governor and the Legislature by June 30, 2004, on its findings and recommendations on trafficking in Washington.
Administrative and clerical support for the continuation of the Task Force is provided by the Office of Community Development, within available resources. All members of the Task Force must serve without compensation with the exception of travel expenses which are reimbursable within available funds.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 96 1
Senate 48 0 (Senate amended)
House 97 0 (House concurred)
Effective: May 14, 2003