Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Local Government Committee



HB 1111

Brief Description: Requiring certain state hospitals to pay for an equitable share of police and fire protection services.


Sponsors: Representatives Carrell, Kirby, Talcott, Conway, Roach, Simpson, Darneille and Mielke.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Requires that Eastern and Western State hospitals contract with the city or town in which they are located to provide a share of the cost of police and fire protection services.

    Requires that state agencies that comprise 10% or more of the total assessed value of the city or town in which they are located contract for police protection services.

Hearing Date: 1/30/03

Staff: Amy Wood (786-7127).


State facilities and institutions located within the territorial limits of a city or town may contract with the local jurisdiction for fire protection services. State facilities and institutions that comprise 10% or more of the total assessed value of the city or town in which they are located are required to contract with the city or town to provide a negotiated share of the cost of fire protection services.

Cities and towns must notify the Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED) and the appropriate state agency regarding their intent to negotiate a fire protection contract. The CTED is required to adopt the valuation procedures to be used in negotiating the contract, and to review the notification to ensure that the valuation procedures and results are accurate.


If the local jurisdiction and the state agency cannot reach an agreement, the director of CTED recommends a resolution. If the parties reject the resolution and the impasse continues, the matter goes to arbitration and a neutral arbitrator is chosen to determine the final resolution.

Summary of Bill:

Eastern and Western State Hospitals are required to contract with the local jurisdiction in which they are located to provide an equitable share for fire and police protection services using the procedures established by CTED.

In addition, state facilities and institutions that comprise 10% or more of the total assessed value of the city or town in which they are located must also contract with the city or town to provide a negotiated share of the cost for police protection services.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Available.

Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.