SHB 1213




C 126 L 03

Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description: Eliminating boards and commissions.


Sponsors: By House Committee on State Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Haigh, Armstrong, Morris, Hatfield, Linville, Ruderman and Rockefeller; by request of Governor Locke).

House Committee on State Government

Senate Committee on Government Operations & Elections



The Governor and the Office of Financial Management are required to review state boards and commissions and, in every odd-numbered year, submit to the Legislature a recommended list of boards and commissions to be terminated or consolidated. During the 1995-1997 biennium, Washington had 381 boards and commissions, down from a high of 569 during the 1991-1993 biennium. During the 1999 legislative session, 33 boards, commissions, and committees were eliminated, and during the 2001 legislative session, seven boards, commissions, and committees were eliminated.




The following boards, commissions, and committees are abolished, and related responsibilities of these entities are terminated:


    Health Care Policy Technical Advisory Committee (Health Care Authority): Advises the Health Care Authority on effective approaches to cost control, quality assurance, and access to health care.


    Governor's Small Business Improvement Council (Office of the Governor): Identifies regulatory, administrative, and legislative proposals that will improve the entrepreneurial environment for small businesses.


    Rebuilding Families Advisory Committee (Department of Corrections): Provides community involvement in the planning, development, and implementation of programs at the Washington Corrections Center for Women.


    Independent Living Advisory Committee (Department of Services for the Blind): Provides guidance and direction to the Independent Living Program within the Department of Services for the Blind.


    Ocean Spot Shrimp Emerging Fishery Advisory Board (Department of Fish and Wildlife): Helps construct options for limiting fishery participation/efforts and provides recommendations.


    Water Trail Advisory Committee (Parks and Recreation Commission): Assists and advises the Parks and Recreation Commission in the development of water trail facilities and programs.


    Community Outdoor Athletic Fields Advisory Council (Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation): Provides information and makes recommendations to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation on the award of funds from the Youth Athletic Facility grant account.


    Arthritis Advisory Group (Department of Health): Required as part of a two-year arthritis planning grant funded by the Center for Disease Control. Develops and helps implement a Washington arthritis action plan.


    Committee on Taxation, and the Advisory Group to the Committee on Taxation (Legislature): Evaluated the current tax system.


Votes on Final Passage:


House 97  0

Senate 47  0    (Senate amended)

House 97  0    (House concurred)


Effective: July 1, 2003