Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



State Government Committee



HB 1228

Brief Description: Extending the use of veterans' scoring criteria in employment examinations.


Sponsors: Representatives Haigh, Conway, Miloscia, Bush, Armstrong, Hunt, Wallace, McDermott, Shabro, Tom, Nixon, McCoy, Simpson, Campbell, Wood and Chase.

Brief Summary of Bill

    The restriction that veterans must claim scoring preference on civil service exams within 15 years of release from active military service is removed.

Hearing Date: 2/11/03

Staff: Marsha Reilly (786-7135).


State law provides that honorably discharged veterans receive preference in public employment. In addition, the spouse of an honorably discharged veteran with a service connected permanent and total disability shall also receive preference in employment. State law further provides that this benefit may be enforced through civil action in superior court.

Preference in public employment is given to veterans by adding a percentage to the passing mark, grade, or rating of an examination as follows:


    Ten percent to a veteran who served during a period of war or in an armed conflict and does not receive military retirement. This scoring preference applies until the veteran's first appointment. It may not, however, be used in promotional examinations.


    Five percent to a veteran who did not serve during a period of war or in an armed conflict, or who is receiving military retirement. This scoring preference applies until the veteran's first appointment, but may not be used in promotional examinations.


    Five percent to a veteran who was called to active military service for one or more years from employment with the state or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations. This scoring preference is applied to the first promotional examination only.

Veterans' scoring criteria must be claimed within 15 years of the date of release from active military service. The time period may be extended to veterans who are disabled, who have documented medical reasons, or who have been terminated from employment through no fault or action of his or her own.

Summary of Bill:

Veterans are no longer required to claim the scoring preference in public employment within 15 years of release from active military service.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not Requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.