Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee



HB 1376

Brief Description: Exempting the use of certain water storage facilities from the water code permitting requirements.


Sponsors: Representatives Romero, Dickerson, Schoesler, Hunt, Linville, Eickmeyer, Lantz, Wallace and Kenney.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Exempts certain rain barrels and similar facilities and the use of water from them from provisions of the water code requiring reservoir and water use permits.

Hearing Date: 2/4/03

Staff: Kenneth Hirst (786-7105).


The water code requires reservoir permits for both surface reservoirs for water and for the storage of water in an underground formation for subsequent use as part of an underground artificial storage and recovery project. A water right permit, called a "secondary" permit, is also required for the use of water stored in a surface reservoir.

Summary of Bill:

A reservoir permit is not required for a rain barrel, cistern, or other similar facility for capturing runoff from roofs, paved areas, and other hard surfaces on a single residential, commercial, or industrial property or public facility. This exemption applies if the total amount of water storage does not exceed 10,000 gallons and the water stored is intended to be put to beneficial use.

Neither a water right nor such a right in the form of a secondary permit is required for the use of the water stored in such an exempted facility.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not Requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.