Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Commerce & Labor Committee



HB 1395

Brief Description: Concerning the catering of alcoholic beverages at special events by nonprofit organizations.


Sponsors: Representatives Sullivan, Bailey, Wood, Chandler and Pflug.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Allows holders of a restaurant liquor license with a catering endorsement to sell alcohol at a special event open to the public if the event is sponsored by a non-profit organization.

Hearing Date: 2/6/03

Staff: Matt Cooper (786-7106).


The Liquor Control Board licenses and controls the distribution of alcohol in Washington. Licenses are required when serving alcohol to the public.

Restaurants may apply for licenses to serve beer, wine, and spirits for on-premises consumption. These licensees may obtain a catering endorsement to serve alcohol away from their permanent places of business. A catering endorsement allows a licensee to serve and sell alcohol at "special occasions." A special occasion is a single event sponsored by a group or individual.

Under a catering endorsement, licensees may not serve alcohol at special occasions open to the public. The licensee may serve and sell alcohol at special occasions attended only by members and guests of non-profit organizations.

If attendance at a special occasion is by invitation only, the event need not be sponsored by a non-profit organization.

Summary of Bill:

Restaurant liquor license holders with a catering endorsement may sell alcohol for on-premises consumption at special events open to the public as long as the event is hosted by a non-profit organization.

Rules Authority: The bill does not contain provisions addressing the rule-making powers of the Board.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.