Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
Commerce & Labor Committee |
HB 1443
Brief Description: Regarding geology licenses.
Sponsors: Representatives Wood, Schoesler, Cox, Grant, Chandler and Hunt.
Brief Summary of Bill |
• Extends the "grandfather" period for geologists to become licensed without taking an examination. |
• Establishes hydrogeology as a specialty within the practice of geology. |
Hearing Date: 2/3/03
Staff: Matt Cooper (786-7106).
In 2000 the Legislature established a licensing program for persons practicing geology or a geology specialty for others in this state, or using the title "licensed geologist" or a similar title. The Department of Licensing administers this program with the advice of the State Geologist Licensing Board.
Minimum requirements for licensure as a geologist include specified education and experience and passage of a written examination. However, applicants for licensure were not required to pass the written examination if they met the education and experience requirements and applied for licensure before July 1, 2002. Minimum requirements for licensure as a specialty geologist include licensure as a geologist, advanced education in the specialty, experience in the specialty, and passage of a written examination. Applicants who apply for a specialty license within one year of the creation of a specialty are exempt from the written examination if they meet the other requirements.
Using the administrative rule-making process provided in the licensing act, the Geologist Licensing Board created the specialty of hydrogeology. To date, 863 hydrogeologists have been licensed under the provision.
Engineering geology is recognized as a geology specialty.
"Hydrogeology" is defined as the geologic study of water and the changes it causes in the earth.
Summary of Bill:
Applicants who register to become licensed geologists before July 1, 2003, will be licensed without an examination, provided they meet the current educational and experience requirements.
Hydrogeology is recognized as a specialty within the field of geology.
Rules Authority: The bill does not contain provisions addressing the rule-making powers of the department.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.