Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Commerce & Labor Committee



HB 1793

Brief Description: Concerning simulcast horse racing.


Sponsors: Representative Wood.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Allows the Horse Racing Commission to approve applications for certain class 1 racing associations' satellite extensions to conduct wagering on imported simulcast horse racing.

Hearing Date: 2/24/03

Staff: Matt Cooper (786-7106).


Simulcasting is the process of conducting wagering on a horse race that is broadcast live on television from a race track. Imported simulcast signals are simulcast signals that originate at racetracks outside the state. A satellite location is a location showing a live television signal of a horse race for the purposes or wagering. A class 1 racing association is a racetrack that conducts 40 or more days of live horse racing per year.

In 2001 the Legislature authorized two types of simulcasting. Satellite extensions of class 1 racetracks are allowed to show simulcast signals from, and conduct wagering on, races conducted at racetracks within the state. Class 1 racetracks are allowed to show simulcast signals from, and conduct wagering on, imported simulcast signals during their live racing days.

The wagering on simulcast racing is combined with the wagering pool from bets on the racing association's live racing. Winning bets, purses from race winners, and wagering taxes are paid from the wagering pool.

The Horse Racing Commission (Commission) may allow a satellite extensions to conduct wagering on one imported simulcast race per day, except for the Breeder's Cup special events, where more than one simulcast race may be shown.

There may be only one satellite extension per county. A satellite extension must be at least 20 driving miles from any class 1 racing facility. A satellite extension may not operate with 60 driving miles of any other racing facility when it is conducting live racing.

Summary of Bill:

The Commission may authorize a class 1 racing association's satellite extensions east of the Cascade mountains to show imported simulcast signals and conduct wagering on those signals during the racing association's live racing.

Satellite extensions east of the Cascade mountains may be located within five driving miles of a class 1 racing facility.

Rules Authority: The bill does not address the rule-making power of the Commission.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.