Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Local Government Committee



HB 1933

Brief Description: Modifying shoreline and growth management provisions.


Sponsors: Representatives Berkey, Kessler, Cairnes, Buck, Sullivan, Orcutt, Hatfield, Jarrett, Miloscia, Gombosky, Grant, DeBolt, Quall, Woods, Schoesler, Conway, Lovick, Clibborn, Edwards, Schindler, McCoy, Eickmeyer and Alexander.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Amends the enunciated state policy of the Shoreline Management Act (SMA) by specifying that the public interest and the statewide interest include the development of water-dependent publicly owned facilities.

    Requires the goals and policies of a shoreline master program included as an element of a comprehensive plan adopted under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to be on an equal priority with the other planning goals of the GMA.

Hearing Date: 3/3/03

Staff: Ethan Moreno (786-7386).




The Shoreline Management Act (SMA) governs uses of state shorelines. The SMA enunciates state "policy" to provide for shoreline management by planning for and fostering "all reasonable and appropriate uses." The SMA prioritizes public shoreline access and creates "preference" criteria listed in the following order of priority that must be used by state and local governments in regulating shoreline uses:


          Recognizing statewide interest over local interest;

          preserving natural shoreline character;

          resulting in long-term over short-term benefit;

          protecting shoreline resources and ecology;

          increasing public access to publicly owned shoreline areas;

          increasing public recreational opportunities; and

          providing for any of the mandatory elements within the local shoreline master program as delineated in RCW 90.58.100.

The SMA governs "shorelines of the state." These "shorelines of the state" are defined in the SMA to include both "shorelines" and "shorelines of statewide significance," terms defined by statute. "Shorelines" include all water areas, including reservoirs, and their associated "shorelands" except:


          shorelines of statewide significance [separately defined to include specific shoreline areas in RCW 90.58.030(2)(e)];

          shorelines (and their wetlands) on segments of streams upstream of a point at which the mean annual flow is less than or equal to 20 cubic feet per second (cfs); and

          shorelines (and their wetlands) on lakes fewer than 20 acres in size.

"Shorelands" include the lands extending landward for 200 feet in all directions from the ordinary high water mark as well as floodways and contiguous floodplain areas landward 200 feet from the floodways. "Shorelands" also include all wetlands and river deltas associated with streams, lakes and tidal waters subject to the SMA.


The SMA involves a cooperative regulatory approach between local governments and the state. At the local level, SMA regulations are developed in local shoreline master programs (master programs). All counties and cities with shorelines of the state are required to adopt master programs which regulate land use activities in shoreline areas of the state. Counties and cities are also required to enforce their master programs within their jurisdictions. All 39 counties and more than 200 cities have enacted shoreline master programs.

Master Programs

Master programs regulate land use and activities within the shoreline jurisdiction. Local master programs have certain mandatory elements as appropriate. These include:


          An economic development element for locating and designing water-dependent industrial projects and other commercial activities;

          a public access element to provide for public access to public areas;

          a recreational element to preserve and enhance shoreline recreational opportunities;

          a circulation element to locate transportation and other public facilities for shoreline use;

          a use element addressing the location and extent of shoreline use for housing, business, industry, transportation, agriculture, natural resources, recreation, education, public facilities, and other uses;

          a conservation element to preserve natural resources in shoreline areas;

          a historic, cultural, scientific, and educational element to protect buildings, sites, and areas with such values; and

          an element considering statewide interests in preventing and minimizing flood damage.

Local governments may include other elements necessary to implement the SMA requirements.



Enacted in 1990 and 1991, the Growth Management Act (GMA) establishes a comprehensive land use planning framework for county and city governments in Washington. Counties and cities meeting specific population and growth criteria are required to comply with the major requirements of the GMA. Counties not meeting these criteria may choose to plan under the GMA. Currently, 29 of 39 counties, and the cities within those 29 counties, are required to or have chosen to comply with the major requirements of the GMA (GMA jurisdictions).

The GMA establishes a list of 13 planning goals to be used exclusively for guiding the development and adoption of comprehensive plans and development regulations by GMA jurisdictions. The goals, which are not listed in an order of priority, include:


          Encouraging urban growth in urban areas with adequate public facilities;

          reducing low-density development sprawl;

          encouraging efficient, regionally coordinated transportation systems;

          encouraging affordable housing availability;

          encouraging economic development and growth in areas with insufficient growth;

          protecting private property rights;

          processing permits in a timely and fair manner;

          maintaining and enhancing natural resource industries;

          retaining and developing open space and recreation availability and opportunities;

          protecting the environment and water availability;

          encouraging citizen participation and coordination;

          ensuring adequate public facilities and services; and

          encouraging historic preservation.

Requirements - Comprehensive Land Use Plans

Among numerous planning requirements, GMA jurisdictions must adopt internally consistent comprehensive land use plans, which are generalized, coordinated land use policy statements of the governing body. Each comprehensive plan must include the following elements:


          Land use;


          capital facilities plan;




          economic development; and

          parks and recreation.

The economic development and park and recreation elements do not require jurisdictional compliance or action until state funding is provided.

Comprehensive plans must also include designations of urban growth areas (UGAs) within which urban growth must be encouraged and outside of which growth can occur only if it is not urban in nature.

Comprehensive land use plans and development regulations are subject to continuing review and evaluation by the adopting county or city. Any amendments or revisions of development regulations must conform to the requirements of the GMA and must be consistent with and implement comprehensive plans.


In 1995 the Legislature enacted environmental regulatory reform legislation (i.e., ESHB 1724, enacted as ch. 347, Laws of 1995). As a result of the legislation, which implemented recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on Regulatory Reform, the goals and polices of the SMA were added as an additional goal to the 13 planning goals of the GMA. Furthermore, the goals and policies of a shoreline master program required by the SMA were deemed an element of a GMA jurisdiction's comprehensive plan.

Summary of Bill:

The state policy of the Shoreline Management Act (SMA) is amended to specify that the public interest and the statewide interest include the development of water-dependent publicly owned facilities.

The goals and policies of a shoreline master program required by the SMA, presently considered an element of the comprehensive plan adopted by jurisdictions planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA), are deemed to be on an equal priority with the other stated planning goals of the GMA.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not Requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.