Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Commerce & Labor Committee



HB 2118

Brief Description: Authorizing approved microbrewers to sell beer at farmers markets.


Sponsors: Representatives Newhouse and Sullivan.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Allows a Washington microbrewery to obtain an endorsement from the Liquor Control Board to sell bottled beer at qualifying farmers markets.

Hearing Date: 3/3/03

Staff: Matt Cooper (786-7106).


A microbrewery license authorizes production of up to 60,000 barrels of malt liquor per year. There are 81 licensed microbreweries in the state, 31 of which bottle their beer. Microbreweries may obtain an endorsement for on premises consumption of beer and wine.

There is no specific authority allowing a microbrewery to sell bottled beer at a farmers market. Farmers markets are not regulated by statute, but a majority of markets belong to a voluntary association that sets guidelines regarding what kinds of products may be sold at a market. The association standards require that vendors at a market be predominantly Washington farmers selling their own produce.

Summary of Bill:

Licensed microbreweries may obtain an endorsement to sell bottled beer at qualified farmers markets. This endorsement would not allow sampling or on-premises consumption at a farmers market. The annual cost of the endorsement is $75.

Before selling bottled beer at a qualified farmers market, the microbrewery must notify the Liquor Control Board (Board) monthly with the date, time, and locations of markets at which bottled beer may be sold. The microbrewery may not store bottled beer at a farmers market beyond the market hours.


A farmers market must be qualified by the Board before any microbewery may sell bottled beer at the market. To apply for approval a market must provide information about stall locations and the market manager. Before approval the Board must notify local jurisdictions of the application.

To be approved by the Board, a farmers market must be conducted by Washington farmers selling their own produce and or products. These standards are the same as the membership requirements for the Washington Farmers Market Association.

Rules Authority: The bill contains provisions addressing the rule-making powers of the Board.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Requested on February 26, 2003.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.