Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Trade & Economic Development Committee



HB 2735

Brief Description: Allowing federally recognized Indian tribes in rural counties and rural natural resources impact areas to be eligible for assistance under the community economic revitalization board's rural program.


Sponsors: Representatives Ormsby, Skinner, Veloria, Moeller, Conway and Kenney; by request of Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Clarifies that the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) program can make loans and grants to eligible federally recognized Indian Tribes, including those federally recognized Indian Tribes in rural counties and rural natural resource impact areas eligible for CERB's rural program.

Hearing Date: 1/30/04

Staff: Tracey Taylor (786-7196).


The Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) program was created in 1982 to provide direct loans and grants to counties, cities, and special purpose districts for economic development-related infrastructure improvements. The CERB financing is available for public improvements that include the acquisition, construction, or repair of domestic and industrial water, sewer and storm water infrastructure; bridge, railroad, electricity, telecommunication, and road improvements; buildings and structures; port facilities; and feasibility studies. The CERB financing must be necessary to either bring a new business into a community or expand or retain an existing business that is already located in the community.

In 2002, the Legislature expanded CERB program eligibility to include federally recognized Indian Tribes. However, CERB assistance was specifically excluded for any project intended, as a primary purpose, to facilitate or promote gambling.

Summary of Bill:

The eligibility of the federally recognized Indian Tribes is clarified to include all projects, including loans and grants to federally recognized Indian Tribes in rural counties and in rural natural resource impact areas eligible for assistance under CERB's rural program.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.