HJM 4007
As Passed House:
February 28, 2003
Brief Description: Requesting the issuance of an American coalminers stamp.
Sponsors: By Representatives Hinkle, Chopp, Haigh, Woods, Dunshee, Kirby, Boldt, O'Brien, Armstrong, DeBolt, Ahern, Newhouse, Simpson, Holmquist, Cairnes, Sump, Pearson, Shabro, Delvin, Hudgins, Linville, Conway, Skinner, Sullivan and Kenney.
Brief History:
Committee Activity:
Agriculture & Natural Resources: 2/14/03 [DP].
Floor Activity:
Passed House: 2/28/03, 96-0.
Brief Summary of Bill |
• Requests the United States Postal Service to create a postage stamp commemorating American coal miners. |
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 12 members: Representatives Linville, Chair; Rockefeller, Vice Chair; Schoesler, Ranking Minority Member; Holmquist, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Kristiansen, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Chandler, Eickmeyer, Grant, McDermott, Orcutt, Quall and Sump.
Staff: Caroleen Dineen (786-7156).
The mining of coal has occurred throughout the United States for many years. Coal deposits are scattered throughout the United States, including sites in Washington.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) has issued a variety of commemorative stamps in recent years. A commemorative stamp may be issued in limited quantities and for a limited time in observance of historical events, in honor of noted Americans, and on topics of national importance.
Summary of Bill:
The Legislature requests that the United States Postal Service issue a postage stamp commemorating American coal miners as a way to illustrate a colorful and historically rich segment of society for school children, educators, stamp collectors, and the public. This request is addressed to President Bush, the United States Senate and House of Representatives, the United States Postmaster General, and the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service.
The efforts of American coal miners and the coal mining industry's benefits to the United States economy and energy supplies are identified.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
Testimony For: The prime sponsor had the privilege of working on a memorial for coal miners in Roslyn. This bill encourages the United States Postal Service to acknowledge coal miners and the coal mining industry's role in the foundation of this nation's industrial revolution.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Representative Hinkle, prime sponsor.