Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Criminal Justice & Corrections Committee



HJR 4200

Brief Description: Amending the Constitution to allow extended levies for law enforcement purposes.


Sponsors: Representatives Carrell, O'Brien, Talcott, Conway, Cooper, Hinkle and Campbell.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Authorizes law enforcement levies for up to four year periods for general purposes and up to six years for the construction, modernization or remodeling of law enforcement facilities.

Hearing Date: 1/29/03

Staff: Yvonne Walker (786-7841).


Article VII, Section 2, of the State Constitution limits the aggregate of all tax levies upon real and personal property by the state and all taxing districts in any year to no more than 1 percent of the true and fair value of such property. This limitation may be exceeded at a "special" or excess levy election, by which any taxing district, when specifically authorized to do so by a majority of at least three-fifths of the voters of the taxing district on the proposition, may levy an additional tax for one year (if the voter turnout equals at least 40 percent of the previous general election turnout). Two exceptions to the one-year special levy limit are those levies for the support of common schools and fire protection districts. Any proposition to levy additional tax for the support of common schools and fire protection districts may provide such support for a period of up to four years and any proposition to levy an additional tax to support the construction, modernization, or remodeling of school or fire facilities may provide such support for a period not exceeding six years.

Summary of Bill:

Law enforcement, when specifically authorized to do so by a majority of at least three-fifths of the voters of the taxing district on the proposition (if the voter turnout equals at least 40 percent of the previous general election turnout) may levy an additional tax for a period of up to four years for general purposes and for a period of up to six years for the construction, modernization, or remodeling of law enforcement facilities, as specified in the ballot proposition.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Requested on January 22, 2003.