Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Capital Budget Committee



ESB 5014

Brief Description: Authorizing a new subaccount in the public works assistance account.


Sponsors: Senator Honeyford.

Brief Summary of Engrossed Bill

    The Public Works Board must create a subaccount in the Public Works Assistance Account to receive money to fund water storage projects and water systems facilities. The subaccount keeps its interest earned (rather than the interest going to the general fund).

Hearing Date: 3/20/03

Staff: Charlie Gavigan (786-7340).


The Public Works Assistance Account, commonly known as the Public Works Trust Fund, was created by the Legislature in 1985 to provide a source of loan funds to assist local governments and special purpose districts with infrastructure projects. The Public Works Board, within the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED), is authorized to make low-interest or interest-free loans from the account to finance the repair, replacement, or improvement of the following public works systems: Bridges; roads; water and sewage systems; and solid waste and recycling facilities. All local governments except port districts and school districts are eligible to receive loans. In addition to construction projects, the Public Works Assistance Account can also be used for emergency loans, preconstruction loans, and capital facility planning loans.

The interest earned on accounts in the State Treasury goes to the general fund unless a statute states otherwise.

Summary of Bill:

The Public Works Board must create a subaccount in the Public Works Assistance Account (for the Public Works Trust Fund) to receive money to fund water storage projects and water systems facilities. Any projects funded by the subaccount must follow the competitive bid requirements applicable to Public Works Trust Fund projects. The interest earned on the subaccount is deposited in the subaccount.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not Requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.