Washington State

House of Representatives



Transportation Committee



ESB 5245

Brief Description: Involving legislators in transportation planning.


Sponsors: Senators Horn, Haugen, Mulliken, Finkbeiner, Oke, Swecker, Esser, Prentice, Benton and Kohl-Welles.

Brief Summary of Engrossed Bill

    Makes legislators whose districts are within a Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) ex-officio non voting members of the RTPO.

    When RTPO members take action on a matter that only affects Washington, a majority of Washington members on the RTPO must approve the action.

Hearing Date: 4/1/03

Staff: Gene Baxstrom (786-7303).


There are 14 Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs) in Washington. Each RTPO has a policy board that provides direction on the implementation of their six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and their regional transportation plan. An RTPO policy board is required to include members from cities, counties, port districts, transit districts, major employers and the Department of Transportation.

The six-year TIP proposes regionally significant transportation projects and a financial plan that demonstrates how the program is to be funded. The six-year TIP is updated at least every two years, but can be amended during the interim.

The regional transportation planning process establishes standards for a regional transportation plan, coordination between RTPOs, and, in conjunction with state planning efforts, identifies and plans improvements that are important to moving people and goods on a regional and statewide basis.

State law is silent on whether an RTPO that borders another state may have voting members on its policy board that reside in the adjacent state.

Summary of Bill:

The RTPO board membership is modified. Any member of the House of Representatives or the Senate whose districts are within the boundaries of the RTPO are considered ex-officio, nonvoting board members of the regional transportation planning organization. This does not preclude legislators from becoming full-time, voting board members.

A requirement is added that when the members of the RTPO take action on matters that solely affect Washington, the matter must obtain a majority vote of the Washington residents serving as members of the RTPO before the matter may be adopted.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not Requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.