SB 6254



C 171 L 04

Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description: Providing death benefits for members of the Washington state patrol retirement system plan 2.


Sponsors: Senators Regala, Winsley, Fraser, Carlson, Keiser, Roach, Franklin, Rasmussen and Haugen; by request of Select Committee on Pension Policy.

Senate Committee on Ways & Means

House Committee on Appropriations

Background: If an active member of the Washington State Patrol Retirement System (WSPRS) Plan 2 with fewer than 10 years of service credit dies, his or her survivor is eligible for a cash refund of the member's retirement contributions, plus interest. If an active member of WSPRS Plan 2 with 10 or more years of service credit dies and is survived by a spouse or eligible child or children, then his or her beneficiaries are eligible to receive a retirement allowance. This allowance is subject to an actuarial adjustment to reflect a 100 percent survivor benefit option and, if the member was not eligible for retirement at the time of death, further reduced to reflect the smaller of the difference between the member's age at time of death and either age 55 or the age at which the member would have 25 years of service. If the member was killed in the line of employment, as determined by the director of the Department of Labor and Industries, then the beneficiary is eligible for an additional $150,000 death benefit.

Summary: The retirement allowance paid to survivors of members of WSPRS Plan 2 who have at least ten years of service and who are killed in the course of employment is not subject to an actuarial reduction.

Votes on Final Passage:


Senate       49  0

House       96  0


Effective: June 10, 2004