WHEREAS, The people of the State of Washington celebrate CHILDREN
as one of the most precious blessings our world has ever been given;
WHEREAS, The CHILDREN of the State of Washington should be
cherished and given a positive and secure environment that can help
develop their talents, temperament, minds, and character; and
WHEREAS, CHILDREN are the responsibility of their parents, and all
the citizens of the State of Washington should help them by setting
examples of what it means to be good neighbors, law-abiding citizens,
productive workers, and helpful friends; and
WHEREAS, It is our duty and privilege to instill in CHILDREN the
faith, hope, charity, and integrity they need to continue the legacy of
freedom, peace, and prosperity we have inherited from those who came
before us; and
WHEREAS, The CHILDREN are the future of Washington State and should
be encouraged to reach for the stars so that they become doctors,
lawyers, teachers, social workers, or anything else they aspire to be;
WHEREAS, The CHILDREN of the State of Washington should know that
their ideas and dreams are valued and respected because we take time to
listen and encourage; and
WHEREAS, The CHILDREN of the State of Washington should have access
to quality education, wholesome recreation, and a safe community; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State House of Representatives welcome
children to the Chamber every President's Day so they may witness
firsthand the legislative process; and
WHEREAS, The state has designated the second Sunday in October to
commemorate the CHILDREN of the State of Washington;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
encourage all the citizens of Washington to celebrate children on
Children's Day and throughout the year by spending more quality time
with children and emphasizing their special place in our lives.