WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington State Legislature to
recognize excellence in all fields of endeavor; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States
of America, exhibited the highest level of excellence in service and
sacrifice to his country; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln demonstrated unimpeachable moral character
in all matters, large or small, public or personal, thereby earning
himself the nickname "Honest Abe"; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln was a gentleman from humble beginnings,
having been raised in a log cabin, who cleared land and split rails as
a young man, and although he later attained great stature in public
life, he never lost touch, empathy, or the values he shared with the
common person; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln exemplified the greatest tenacity,
perseverance, and acumen in scholastic and professional endeavors,
illustrated by the fact that he educated himself in the profession of
law and following an apprenticeship earned a well-deserved reputation
as a skilled, talented, and respected member of the bar; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln continues to be known and admired for his
eloquent and accomplished oratory of viewpoints, which were always
rooted in the truest principles of liberty and justice, and which are
perhaps best illustrated in his debate opposing slavery with Judge
Stephen A. Douglas and by the delivery of what has become known as the
Gettysburg Address, which honored the magnitude of the cost of liberty;
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln believed the republican form of government
established by the Founding Fathers was the best means of ensuring
freedom from despotic government, and he became the father of the
Republican Party dedicated to maintaining the truest principles of
constitutional representation under the rule of law; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln unselfishly gave of himself throughout his
long and distinguished commitment to public service to his fellow
citizens, which included judicial service in the Eighth Circuit, as a
member of the Illinois State Legislature, as a member of the United
States Congress, and as the President of the United States of America;
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln courageously issued the famous
Emancipation Proclamation Act of 1862, adopted by Congress later that
same year, which valued the citizenship and respected the freedom of
all persons regardless of race or color; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln, while President of the United States, did
valiantly and nobly issue yearly Proclamations of National Prayer Day,
duly adopted by Congress, because he believed that the pursuits of
Nations and Governments, as well as those of men, are dependent upon
the solemn guidance and reverent will of God; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln, within one month of being inaugurated as
President, faced the mighty challenge of a Civil War ... which tore at
the fabric of the union, pitting brother against brother, family
against family ... with a love of liberty and a firm assurance in the
divine providence as his guide and support for the nation; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln steadfastly directed the campaign to
victory in the Civil War, held malice toward none and a charity of
spirit toward all, believed with conviction and firmness in the right
and just, helped bind this great nation together and heal its wounds,
and gave to us a just and lasting peace; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln suffered an untimely death, just five days
after bringing the Civil War to an end in April 1865, at the hands of
an assassin, tragically ending the life of a man who gave of himself to
his country unselfishly, charitably, graciously, and patriotically for
all causes that were just, noble, and honorable and that sought liberty
and freedom for all; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln's own words are inscribed into the walls
of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.: "That this nation, under
God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the
people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
of the state of Washington honor the 16th President of these United
States for his faith, character, ideals, and contributions, which
continue to poignantly and presently inspire the best within the hearts
of men and women everywhere, and which will continue to do so for
generations to come.