HOUSE RESOLUTION NO.2003-4641, by Representatives Anderson, Kessler, Nixon, Pflug, Cairnes, Ahern, Alexander, Armstrong, Bailey, Benson, Berkey, Blake, Boldt, Buck, Bush, Campbell, Carrell, Chandler, Chase, Chopp, Clements, Clibborn, Cody, Condotta, Conway, Cooper, Cox, Crouse, Darneille, DeBolt, Delvin, Dickerson, Dunshee, Edwards, Eickmeyer, Ericksen, Flannigan, Fromhold, Gombosky, Grant, Haigh, Hankins, Hatfield, Hinkle, Holmquist, Hudgins, Hunt, Hunter, Jarrett, Kagi, Kenney, Kirby, Kristiansen, Lantz, Linville, Lovick, Mastin, McCoy, McDermott, McDonald, McIntire, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Miloscia, Moeller, Morrell, Morris, Murray, Newhouse, O'Brien, Orcutt, Pearson, Pettigrew, Priest, Quall, Roach, Rockefeller, Romero, Ruderman, Santos, Schindler, Schoesler, Schual-Berke, Sehlin, Shabro, Simpson, Skinner, Sommers, Sullivan, Sump, Talcott, Tom, Upthegrove, Veloria, Wallace, Wood and Woods

     WHEREAS, Current international events have resulted in the deployment of American troops to foreign shores; and
     WHEREAS, The many fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands, and wives of Washington state who selflessly serve their communities, state, and nation as professional and citizen soldiers exemplify the patriotic love of country through their participation in our country's Armed Forces; and
     WHEREAS, Our military men and women boldly face the difficult challenges confronting them without hesitation and with a deep sense of resoluteness, steadfastness, and duty; and
     WHEREAS, The people of our state and nation rely on the brave and dependable service of our soldiers to defend our freedoms, our security, and our way of life; and
     WHEREAS, All the residents of Washington state, regardless of their degree of support for the foreign policy of any administration, believe in supporting our troops who are engaged in conflict;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the state of Washington express our sincerest gratitude and appreciation to our devoted military personnel who so bravely serve their country and to their families who share in their sacrifices; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the state of Washington send to those serving our country our hopes, thoughts, and prayers for a safe and speedy return to their loved ones and their country.

I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4641 adopted by the House of Representatives
March 25, 2003

Cynthia Zehnder, Chief Clerk