WHEREAS, America has a proud history of achieving social change
which at times has required civil disobedience and protest; and
WHEREAS, No citizen peacefully protesting here or abroad should
face imprisonment or death for these actions; and
WHEREAS, Rachel Corrie, a 23-year-old college student at The
Evergreen State College and citizen of Washington state, died when an
Israeli bulldozer crushed her as she protested the demolition of a
Palestinian home; and
WHEREAS, Rachel Corrie was dedicated to issues of peace and
justice; and
WHEREAS, As the youngest of three children raised in a home near
Mud Bay, Rachel is recalled by her family as inquisitive and
articulate, and very concerned about the world around her; and
WHEREAS, Rachel attended an alternative elementary school her
family helped found in the 1980s that focused on the environment,
social justice, and peace; and
WHEREAS, As a fifth-grader, Rachel and her classmates held a news
conference on the steps of the State Capitol to call attention to world
hunger; and
WHEREAS, In high school, Rachel helped foreign-exchange students
learn about America, and in college, she worked with the homeless,
staffed a suicide hotline, and helped outfit children and adults as
doves to march in an annual "Procession of the Species" parade; and
WHEREAS, Regardless of anyone's stand on the Israeli-Palestinian
question, Rachel's death was needless and should be investigated;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State
Legislature uphold the principles of free speech and the rights of all
citizens to peaceable protest for whatever cause they choose; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of
Representatives request the President of the United States or Congress
to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of Rachel's death
and share the results of that investigation with the people of the
United States.