WHEREAS, The Washington State Legislature recognizes the many years
of service provided by Frank A. Kirk, leader and community volunteer,
who passed away February 27, 2004, after a 10-year bout with prostate
cancer; and
WHEREAS, Over the past decade, Frank A. Kirk was a leader and
advocate for prostate cancer prevention and awareness who lobbied the
State and Federal Government for cancer research funding, bringing
Washington State nearly a million dollars a year for Comprehensive
Cancer Control, while convincing many of our own legislative members to
be tested for prostate cancer; and
WHEREAS, Frank A. Kirk was a member of the National Cancer
Institute Advisory Committee, and one of the founders of the National
Prostate Cancer Coalition, serving as Vice President at the time of his
death; and
WHEREAS, One of Frank A. Kirk's passions was urban development, and
he dedicated himself to Seattle's "Friends of P-Patch" serving as a
board member, Treasurer, Vice President, and President, often making
weekly deliveries to local food banks; and
WHEREAS, A volunteer in many areas, Frank A. Kirk became active in
nuclear weapons issues and served as Vice Chairman of the Nuclear
Awareness Group, an organization against nuclear weapons production;
WHEREAS, A lifelong Democrat, Frank A. Kirk's varied careers
included teaching at Southern Illinois University, in Carbondale,
Illinois during the 1960s, serving in the Navy, serving on the
Carbondale City Council, acting as a consultant to the White House
Office of Intergovernmental Affairs during the Carter administration,
and serving as Legislative Aide to Seattle City Councilman Jim Street;
WHEREAS, Frank A. Kirk also served as Director of Local Government
Affairs under Illinois Governor Dan Walker before moving to the Pacific
Northwest in 1977; and
WHEREAS, A person who saw himself as a world citizen, Frank A. Kirk
was committed to making this world a better place for everyone;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
honor the service, devotion, and caring of Frank A. Kirk and extend its
deepest condolences to his family and his many friends; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives to the family of Frank A. Kirk.