WHEREAS, It is the policy of Washington State to recognize
excellence in all fields and areas of study; and
WHEREAS, Washington is a global leader in technology and research
and development; and
WHEREAS, John Hauer has distinguished himself as the technical
leader of the Power Systems Group at Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory in Richland, Washington; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Hauer began his career in the early 1960s when he
worked on the measurement and control of nuclear reactor dynamics at
Hanford and then continued at Boeing Aerospace where one of his
principal accomplishments was developing the algorithm for the camera
orientation used to take historic photographs of the earth and moon;
WHEREAS, Mr. Hauer worked with Bonneville Power Administration as
the Principal Engineer for Power System Dynamics and helped initiate
the Wide Area Management System designed to reduce the danger of
electricity blackouts; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Hauer received a PhD degree in electrical engineering
from the University of Washington and is a Fellow with the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
honor Mr. John Hauer for his long and distinguished career as well as
for his many accomplishments and contributions to the field of
electrical engineering; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives to Mr. Hauer.