BILL REQ. #: S-4400.1
State of Washington | 58th Legislature | 2004 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to inspection of books, documents, and records pertaining to the transportation or possession of cigarettes; amending RCW 82.24.110 and 70.155.105; reenacting and amending RCW 82.24.130; adding a new section to chapter 82.24 RCW; and prescribing penalties.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 82.24 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) For the purpose of obtaining information concerning any matter
relating to the administration or enforcement of this title, the board,
or any of its agents, may inspect: (a) The books, documents, or
records of any person transporting cigarettes to any person or entity
in this state; and (b) books, documents, or records containing any
information relating to the transportation or possession of cigarettes
in the possession of a specific common or contract carrier as defined
in RCW 81.80.010 doing business in this state.
(2) Failure to allow inspection under this section may result in
forfeiture and seizure of the cigarettes pursuant to RCW 82.24.130.
Sec. 2 RCW 82.24.110 and 2003 c 114 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Each of the following acts is a gross misdemeanor and
punishable as such:
(a) To sell, except as a licensed wholesaler engaged in interstate
commerce as to the article being taxed herein, without the stamp first
being affixed;
(b) To sell in Washington as a wholesaler to a retailer who does
not possess and is required to possess a current cigarette retailer's
(c) To use or have in possession knowingly or intentionally any
forged or counterfeit stamps;
(d) For any person other than the department of revenue or its duly
authorized agent to sell any stamps not affixed to any of the articles
taxed herein whether such stamps are genuine or counterfeit;
(e) To violate any of the provisions of this chapter;
(f) To violate any lawful rule made and published by the department
of revenue or the board;
(g) To use any stamps more than once;
(h) To refuse to allow the department of revenue or its duly
authorized agent, on demand, to make full inspection of any place of
business where any of the articles herein taxed are sold or otherwise
hinder or prevent such inspection;
(i) For any retailer to have in possession in any place of business
any of the articles herein taxed, unless the same have the proper
stamps attached;
(j) For any person to make, use, or present or exhibit to the
department of revenue or its duly authorized agent, any invoice for any
of the articles herein taxed which bears an untrue date or falsely
states the nature or quantity of the goods therein invoiced;
(k) For any wholesaler or retailer or his or her agents or
employees to fail to produce on demand of the department of revenue all
invoices of all the articles herein taxed or stamps bought by him or
her or received in his or her place of business within five years prior
to such demand unless he or she can show by satisfactory proof that the
nonproduction of the invoices was due to causes beyond his or her
(l) For any person to receive in this state any shipment of any of
the articles taxed herein, when the same are not stamped, for the
purpose of avoiding payment of tax. It is presumed that persons other
than dealers who purchase or receive shipments of unstamped cigarettes
do so to avoid payment of the tax imposed herein;
(m) For any person to possess or transport in this state a quantity
of sixty thousand cigarettes or less unless the proper stamps required
by this chapter have been affixed or unless: (i) Notice of the
possession or transportation has been given as required by RCW
82.24.250; (ii) the person transporting the cigarettes has in actual
possession invoices or delivery tickets which show the true name and
address of the consignor or seller, the true name and address of the
consignee or purchaser, and the quantity and brands of the cigarettes
so transported; and (iii) the cigarettes are consigned to or purchased
by any person in this state who is authorized by this chapter to
possess unstamped cigarettes in this state;
(n) To possess, sell, or transport within this state any container
or package of cigarettes that does not comply with this chapter;
(o) To fail to produce or allow inspection of books, documents, or
records by the board or its agents as provided in section 1 of this
(2) It is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to
possess or to transport in this state a quantity in excess of sixty
thousand cigarettes unless the proper stamps required by this chapter
are affixed thereto or unless: (a) Proper notice as required by RCW
82.24.250 has been given; (b) the person transporting the cigarettes
actually possesses invoices or delivery tickets showing the true name
and address of the consignor or seller, the true name and address of
the consignee or purchaser, and the quantity and brands of the
cigarettes so transported; and (c) the cigarettes are consigned to or
purchased by a person in this state who is authorized by this chapter
to possess unstamped cigarettes in this state. Violation of this
section shall be punished as a class C felony under Title 9A RCW.
(3) All agents, employees, and others who aid, abet, or otherwise
participate in any way in the violation of the provisions of this
chapter or in any of the offenses described in this chapter shall be
guilty and punishable as principals, to the same extent as any
wholesaler or retailer or any other person violating this chapter.
Sec. 3 RCW 82.24.130 and 2003 c 114 s 7, 2003 c 113 s 4, and 2003
c 25 s 9 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) The following are subject to seizure and forfeiture:
(a) Subject to RCW 82.24.250, any articles taxed in this chapter
that are found at any point within this state, which articles are held,
owned, or possessed by any person, and that do not have the stamps
affixed to the packages or containers; any container or package of
cigarettes possessed or held for sale that does not comply with this
chapter; and any container or package of cigarettes that is
manufactured, sold, or possessed in violation of RCW 82.24.570.
(b) Subject to RCW 82.24.250, any articles taxed in this chapter
that are found at any point within this state, which articles are held,
owned, or possessed by any person failing to produce or allow
inspection of books, documents, or records by the board or its agents
as provided in section 1 of this act.
(c) All conveyances, including aircraft, vehicles, or vessels,
which are used, or intended for use, to transport, or in any manner to
facilitate the transportation, for the purpose of sale or receipt of
property described in (a) of this subsection, except:
(i) A conveyance used by any person as a common or contract carrier
having in actual possession invoices or delivery tickets showing the
true name and address of the consignor or seller, the true name of the
consignee or purchaser, and the quantity and brands of the cigarettes
transported, unless it appears that the owner or other person in charge
of the conveyance is a consenting party or privy to a violation of this
(ii) A conveyance subject to forfeiture under this section by
reason of any act or omission of which the owner thereof establishes to
have been committed or omitted without his or her knowledge or consent;
(iii) A conveyance encumbered by a bona fide security interest if
the secured party neither had knowledge of nor consented to the act or
(((c))) (d) Any vending machine used for the purpose of violating
the provisions of this chapter.
(((d))) (e) Any cigarettes that are stamped, sold, imported, or
offered or possessed for sale in this state in violation of RCW
70.158.030(3). For the purposes of this subsection (1)(((d))) (e),
"cigarettes" has the meaning as provided in RCW 70.158.020(3).
(((e))) (f) All cigarettes sold, delivered, or attempted to be
delivered in violation of RCW 70.155.105.
(2) Property subject to forfeiture under this chapter may be seized
by any agent of the department authorized to collect taxes, any
enforcement officer of the board, or law enforcement officer of this
state upon process issued by any superior court or district court
having jurisdiction over the property. Seizure without process may be
made if:
(a) The seizure is incident to an arrest or a search under a search
warrant or an inspection under an administrative inspection warrant; or
(b) The department, the board, or the law enforcement officer has
probable cause to believe that the property was used or is intended to
be used in violation of this chapter and exigent circumstances exist
making procurement of a search warrant impracticable.
(3) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section,
articles taxed in this chapter which are in the possession of a
wholesaler, licensed under Washington state law, for a period of time
necessary to affix the stamps after receipt of the articles, shall not
be considered contraband unless they are manufactured, sold, or
possessed in violation of RCW 82.24.570.
Sec. 4 RCW 70.155.105 and 2003 c 113 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) It is unlawful for a person who mails, ships, or otherwise
delivers cigarettes to fail to:
(a) Verify the age of the receiver of the cigarettes upon delivery;
(b) Obtain in writing, before the first delivery sale of
cigarettes, verification of the receiver's address and that the
receiver of the cigarettes is not a minor. The statement must also
confirm that the purchaser understands: (i) That signing another
person's name to the certification is a violation of RCW
9A.60.040(1)(a); (ii) that the sale of cigarettes to a minor is a
violation of RCW 26.28.080; (iii) that the purchase of cigarettes by
minors is a violation of RCW 70.155.080; and (iv) that he or she has
the option to receive mailings from a tobacco company about tobacco
(2) It is unlawful for a person to mail, ship, or otherwise deliver
cigarettes in connection with a delivery sale unless before the first
delivery sale to the consumer that person:
(a) Either verifies the information contained in the certification
provided by the prospective consumer in subsection (1) of this section
against a commercially available data base, or obtains a photocopy of
an officially issued identification containing the bearer's age,
signature, and photograph. The only forms of identification that are
acceptable as proof of age for the purchase for tobacco products are:
(i) A liquor control authority card of identification issued by a state
of the United States or a province of Canada, (ii) a driver's license,
instruction permit, or identification card issued by a state of the
United States or a province of Canada, (iii) a United States military
identification card, (iv) a passport, or (v) a merchant marine
identification card issued by the United States coast guard;
(b) Provides to the prospective consumer through electronic mail or
other means a notice that meets the requirements of subsection (3) of
this section; and
(c) In the case of an order for cigarettes pursuant to an
advertisement on the internet, receives payment for the delivery sale
from the prospective consumer by a credit card or debit card, or by
check that has been issued in the prospective consumer's name.
(3) The notice required under subsection (2)(b) of this section
must include:
(a) A prominent and clearly legible statement that cigarette sales
to minors are illegal;
(b) A prominent and clearly legible statement that consists of one
of the warnings set forth in section 4(a)(1) of the federal cigarette
labeling and advertising act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 1333(a)(1)) rotated on a
quarterly basis;
(c) A prominent and clearly legible statement that sales of
cigarettes are restricted to those consumers who provide verifiable
proof of age in accordance with subsection (1) of this section; and
(d) A prominent and clearly legible statement that cigarette sales
are subject to tax pursuant to chapters 82.24 and 82.12 RCW, with an
explanation of how the tax has been or is to be paid with respect to a
delivery sale.
(4) It is unlawful for a person who mails, ships, or otherwise
delivers cigarettes in connection with a delivery sale to fail to:
(a) Include as part of the bill of lading, or other shipping
documents, a clear and conspicuous statement that states: "Cigarettes:
Washington Law Prohibits Shipping to Individuals Under 18, and Requires
the Payment of all Applicable Taxes";
(b) Contract only with private carriers who employ delivery agents
who will verify the receiver of the cigarettes is not a minor upon
delivery. The only forms of identification that are acceptable as
proof of age for the purchase for tobacco products are: (i) A liquor
control authority card of identification issued by a state of the
United States or a province of Canada, (ii) a driver's license,
instruction permit, or identification card issued by a state of the
United States or a province of Canada, (iii) a United States military
identification card, (iv) a passport, or (v) a merchant marine
identification card issued by the United States coast guard;
(c) Provide to the delivery service retained for the delivery sale
evidence of full compliance with this section.
(5)(a) Before making delivery sales or mailings, shipping, or
otherwise delivering cigarettes to a Washington address in connection
with any sales, any person who mails, ships, or otherwise delivers
cigarettes shall file with the board a statement setting forth the
person's name, trade name, and the address of the person's principal
place of business and any other place of business.
(b) Any person who mails, ships, or otherwise delivers cigarettes
in connection with a delivery sale shall within fifteen days after the
first of each month file with the board a report of all delivery sales
made by the person within this state for the preceding month. The
report shall show the name and address of the consumer to whom the
cigarettes were sold, the kind and ((quality)) quantity, the dollar
amount of each kind sold, and the date of delivery thereof.
(6)(a) Any person other than a delivery service who violates any of
the provisions of this section is guilty of a class C felony punishable
by up to five years in prison and a fine of ten thousand dollars, and
payment of the cost of investigation and prosecution, including
attorneys' fees.
(b) Any person other than a delivery service who commits a second
or subsequent violation of this section is (([guilty of])) guilty of a
class B felony punishable by up to ten years in prison and a fine of
twenty thousand dollars, and payment of the cost of investigation and
prosecution, including attorneys' fees.
(c) Any delivery service that violates any provision of this
section shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable by up to one
year in jail and a fine of five thousand dollars.
(7) Any person that fails to collect or remit to the department of
revenue any tax required under chapter 82.24 RCW in connection with a
delivery sale shall be assessed, in addition to any other penalty, a
penalty of five times the retail value of the cigarettes involved.
(8) For the purpose of obtaining information concerning any matter
relating to the administration or enforcement of this title, the board
or any of its agents may inspect the books, documents, and records of
any person who makes delivery sales or mailings, or ships or otherwise
delivers cigarettes or retains another person to make delivery sales or
mailings, or to ship or otherwise deliver cigarettes insofar as such
books, documents, and/or records pertain to the financial transaction
involved. If such a person neglects or refuses to produce and submit
for inspection any book, record, or document as required by this
section when requested to do so by the board or its agent, then the
board or the attorney general may seek an order in superior court
compelling such production of books, records, or documents.