By Senators Hale, Deccio, Fraser, Haugen, Honeyford, Johnson, Kohl-Welles, McAuliffe, Mulliken, Reardon, Roach, Shin and Swecker

     WHEREAS, Babies are miracles with endless promise and hope; and
     WHEREAS, Each child brings new hope for a happier, more peaceful world; and
     WHEREAS, Jordan Lee Sides, born March 28, 2003, is the new granddaughter of Senator Hale; and
     WHEREAS, Kristina Ruth Akselsen, born February 10, 2003, is the new great granddaughter of Senator Deccio; and
     WHEREAS, Mia Moyes, born August 23, 2002, is the new granddaughter of Senator Fraser; and
     WHEREAS, Sven Richard Haugen, born March 10, 2002, Edith Lunde, born March 26, 2002, and Robert Anthony Badley, born October 10, 2002, are the most recent additions to Senator Haugen's family; and
     WHEREAS, Joshua Dwight Hammingh, born January 26, 2003, is the new grandson of Senator Honeyford; and
     WHEREAS, Spencer Johnson Smith, born May 7, 2002, and Jack Thomas Johnson, born July 5, 2002, are the most recent additions to Senator Johnson's family; and
     WHEREAS, Finley Kohl Cooper, born June 26, 2002, is the new grandson of Senator Kohl-Welles; and
     WHEREAS, Georgia Suzanne McAuliffe, born September 6, 2002, is the new granddaughter of Senator McAuliffe; and
     WHEREAS, Mikyla Mulliken, born October 15, 2002, is the new granddaughter of Senator Mulliken; and
     WHEREAS, Madeline Alaine Reardon was born to Senator Reardon on June 17, 2002; and
     WHEREAS, Andrew Allen Roach, born August 15, 2002, is the new grandson of Senator Roach; and
     WHEREAS, Benjamin J. Passey, born December 11, 2002, is the new grandson of Senator Shin; and
     WHEREAS, Braden Alexander Matthews, born January 21, 2003, is the new grandson of Senator Swecker;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate hereby welcome the 2003 Session Babies born to the members of the Senate or to the children of members of the Senate; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate wish all the blessings of life for Jordan, Kristina, Mia, Sven, Edith, Robert, Joshua, Spencer, Jack, Finley, Georgia, Mikyla, Madeline, Andrew, Benjamin, and Braden; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Senators Hale, Deccio, Fraser, Haugen, Honeyford, Johnson, Kohl-Welles, McAuliffe, Mulliken, Reardon, Roach, Shin, and Swecker each be given an official copy of this resolution to be placed in the baby book of his or her 2003 Session Baby.

I, Milton H. Doumit, Jr., Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8657,
adopted by the Senate
April 10, 2003

Secretary of the Senate