By Senators Finkbeiner, Brown and Jacobsen

     WHEREAS, The Senate adopted permanent rules for the 2003-04 biennium under Senate Floor Resolution 8601; and
     WHEREAS, Pursuant to Senate Rule 35, the Senate has received one day's notice from Senator Jacobsen of his intent to move adoption of an amendment to Senate Rule 22 in the manner set forth below; and
     WHEREAS, The Senate desires to establish a procedure that respectfully reflects the will and intent of the electorate in those cases where the vagaries of medical or other emergencies would affect the results of decisions made on the floor of the Senate;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Rule 22 as set forth in Senate Floor Resolution 8601 is amended by adding a new subsection as follows:
     "8. If a member of the majority is going to be absent due to a health matter or other emergency, then a member of the minority may publicly announce on the floor of the senate that he or she will cast votes as he or she believes the absent member would have voted in order to avoid results that would only occur because of the unanticipated absence."