By Senator Murray

     WHEREAS, As Americans increasingly recognize the importance of families and a return to traditional family values, grandparents provide gentle guidance to both parents and grandchildren in a fast-paced and complex world; and
     WHEREAS, Roughly sixty percent of child care is provided by grandparents, giving busy parents much needed respite and giving children the love and attention only a family member can provide; and
     WHEREAS, Based on a lifetime of experiences filled with both pain and joy, grandparents possess values that transcend passing fads and pressures; and
     WHEREAS, Because grandparents usually have the luxury of reaching out and befriending the young, without the daily responsibility of raising them, they can freely communicate without fear of failure and close the gap between generations; and
     WHEREAS, Grandparents offer a living link to the family history, giving grandchildren a glimpse into what they may become and encouraging them to reach beyond their dreams to achieve even more; and
     WHEREAS, Grandparents provide so much for their families, including financial support, advice, historical perspective, love, good humor, and experience; and
     WHEREAS, Too often people tend to forget to thank our grandparents for all they do and for their valuable contributions to our society;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate honor all grandparents for their love and commitment to their families and for the great wisdom they provide, especially those grandparents serving in this distinguished Legislature and all the grandparents of members of the Legislature.

I, Milton H. Doumit, Jr., Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8730,
adopted by the Senate
March 8, 2004

Secretary of the Senate