By Senators Hale, Haugen, Roach, Pflug and Murray

     WHEREAS, Babies are miracles with endless promise and hope; and
     WHEREAS, Each child brings new hope for a happier, more peaceful world; and
     WHEREAS, Luke Alan Owen, born June 19, 2003, and Jaidyn Shaina Zion, born March 1, 2004, are the new grandchildren of Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen; and
     WHEREAS, William Michael Guarino, born February 12, 2004, is the new grandson of Senator Hale; and
     WHEREAS, Lindsay Lyn Roach, born December 21, 2003, is the new granddaughter of Senator Roach; and
     WHEREAS, Nils Johannes Haugen, born September 12, 2003, and Lincoln George Badley, born May 6, 2003, are the new grandchildren of Senator Haugen;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate hereby welcome the 2004 Session Babies born to the children of members of the Senate and wish all the blessings of life for Luke, Jaidyn, William, Lindsay, Nils, and Lincoln; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen, Senator Hale, Senator Roach, and Senator Haugen, to be placed in the baby book of each 2004 Session Baby.

I, Milton H. Doumit, Jr., Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8739,
adopted by the Senate
March 8, 2004

Secretary of the Senate