Chapter 350, Laws of 2003

58th Legislature
2003 Regular Session



Passed by the Senate March 18, 2003
  YEAS 46   NAYS 3

President of the Senate
Passed by the House April 27, 2003
  YEAS 98   NAYS 0

Speaker of the House of Representatives


I, Milton H. Doumit, Jr., Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5247 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth.

Approved May 16, 2003.

Governor of the State of Washington
May 16, 2003 - 4:38 p.m.

Secretary of State
State of Washington



Passed Legislature - 2003 Regular Session
State of Washington58th Legislature2003 Regular Session

By Senate Committee on Highways & Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Horn, Haugen, Esser, Jacobsen, Kastama, Prentice, Oke, Swecker and Schmidt)

READ FIRST TIME 02/07/03.   

     AN ACT Relating to alternative local option fuel taxes; amending RCW 82.80.010, 36.120.050, 82.36.440, and 82.38.280; and adding new sections to chapter 82.80 RCW.


Sec. 1   RCW 82.80.010 and 1998 c 176 s 86 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) For purposes of this section:
     (a) "Distributor" means every person who imports, refines, manufactures, produces, or compounds motor vehicle fuel and special fuel as defined in RCW 82.36.010 and 82.38.020, respectively, and sells or distributes the fuel into a county;
     (b) "Person" has the same meaning as in RCW 82.04.030.
Subject to the conditions of this section, any county may levy, by approval of its legislative body and a majority of the registered voters of the county voting on the proposition at a general or special election, additional excise taxes equal to ten percent of the statewide motor vehicle fuel tax rate under RCW 82.36.025 on each gallon of motor vehicle fuel as defined in RCW 82.36.010 and on each gallon of special fuel as defined in RCW 82.38.020 sold within the boundaries of the county. Vehicles paying an annual license fee under RCW 82.38.075 are exempt from the county fuel excise tax. An election held under this section must be held not more than twelve months before the date on which the proposed tax is to be levied. The ballot setting forth the proposition shall state the tax rate that is proposed. The county's authority to levy additional excise taxes under this section includes the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county. The additional excise taxes are subject to the same exceptions and rights of refund as applicable to other motor vehicle fuel and special fuel excise taxes levied under chapters 82.36 and 82.38 RCW. The proposed tax shall not be levied less than one month from the date the election results are certified by the county election officer. The commencement date for the levy of any tax under this section shall be the first day of January, April, July, or October.
     (((2) Every person subject to the tax shall pay, in addition to any other taxes provided by law, an additional excise tax to the director of licensing at the rate levied by a county exercising its authority under this section.))
     (3) The local option motor vehicle fuel tax on each gallon of motor vehicle fuel and on each gallon of special fuel is imposed upon the distributor of the fuel.
     (4) A taxable event for the purposes of this section occurs upon the first distribution of the fuel within the boundaries of a county to a retail outlet, bulk fuel user, or ultimate user of the fuel.
     (5) All administrative provisions in chapters 82.01, 82.03, and 82.32 RCW, insofar as they are applicable, apply to local option fuel taxes imposed under this section.
     (6) Before the effective date of the imposition of the fuel taxes under this section, a county shall contract with the department of revenue for the administration and collection of the taxes. The contract must provide that a percentage amount, not to exceed one percent of the taxes imposed under this section, will be deposited into the local tax administration account created in the custody of the state treasurer. The department of revenue may spend money from this account, upon appropriation, for the administration of the local taxes imposed under this section.
The state treasurer shall distribute monthly to the levying county and cities contained therein the proceeds of the additional excise taxes collected under this section, after the deductions for payments and expenditures as provided in RCW 46.68.090(1) (a) and (((2))) (b) and under the conditions and limitations provided in RCW 82.80.080.
     (((4))) (8) The proceeds of the additional excise taxes levied under this section shall be used strictly for transportation purposes in accordance with RCW 82.80.070.
     (((5) The department of licensing shall administer and collect the county fuel taxes. The department shall deduct a percentage amount, as provided by contract, for administrative, collection, refund, and audit expenses incurred. The remaining proceeds shall be remitted to the custody of the state treasurer for monthly distribution under RCW 82.80.080.))
     (9) A county may not levy the tax under this section if they are levying the tax in section 2 of this act or if they are a member of a regional transportation investment district levying the tax in section 3 of this act.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2   A new section is added to chapter 82.80 RCW to read as follows:
     (1) For purposes of this section:
     (a) "Distributor" means every person who imports, refines, manufactures, produces, or compounds motor vehicle fuel and special fuel as defined in RCW 82.36.010 and 82.38.020, respectively, and sells or distributes the fuel into a county;
     (b) "Person" has the same meaning as in RCW 82.04.030.
     (2) For purposes of dedication to a regional transportation investment district plan under chapter 36.120 RCW, subject to the conditions of this section, a county may levy additional excise taxes equal to ten percent of the statewide motor vehicle fuel tax rate under RCW 82.36.025 on each gallon of motor vehicle fuel as defined in RCW 82.36.010 and on each gallon of special fuel as defined in RCW 82.38.020 sold within the boundaries of the county. The additional excise tax is subject to the approval of the county's legislative body and a majority of the registered voters of the county voting on the proposition at a general or special election. An election held under this section must be held not more than twelve months before the date on which the proposed tax is to be levied. The ballot setting forth the proposition must state that the revenues from the tax will be used for a regional transportation investment district plan. The county's authority to levy additional excise taxes under this section includes the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county. Vehicles paying an annual license fee under RCW 82.38.075 are exempt from the county fuel excise tax. The additional excise taxes are subject to the same exceptions and rights of refund as applicable to other motor vehicle fuel and special fuel excise taxes levied under chapters 82.36 and 82.38 RCW. The proposed tax may not be levied less than one month from the date the election results are certified by the county election officer. The commencement date for the levy of any tax under this section will be the first day of January, April, July, or October.
     (3) The local option motor vehicle fuel tax on each gallon of motor vehicle fuel and on each gallon of special fuel is imposed upon the distributor of the fuel.
     (4) A taxable event for the purposes of this section occurs upon the first distribution of the fuel within the boundaries of a county to a retail outlet, bulk fuel user, or ultimate user of the fuel.
     (5) All administrative provisions in chapters 82.01, 82.03, and 82.32 RCW, insofar as they are applicable, apply to local option fuel taxes imposed under this section.
     (6) Before the effective date of the imposition of the fuel taxes under this section, a county shall contract with the department of revenue for the administration and collection of the taxes. The contract must provide that a percentage amount, not to exceed one percent of the taxes imposed under this section, will be deposited into the local tax administration account created in the custody of the state treasurer. The department of revenue may spend money from this account, upon appropriation, for the administration of the local taxes imposed under this section.
     (7) The state treasurer shall distribute monthly to the county levying the tax as part of a regional transportation investment plan, after the deductions for payments and expenditures as provided in RCW 46.68.090(1) (a) and (b).
     (8) The proceeds of the additional taxes levied by a county in this section, to be used as a part of a regional transportation investment plan, must be used in accordance with chapter 36.120 RCW, but only for those areas that are considered "highway purposes" as that term is construed in Article II, section 40 of the state Constitution.
     (9) A county may not levy the tax under this section if they are a member of a regional transportation investment district that is levying the tax in section 3 of this act or the county is levying the tax in RCW 82.80.010.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3   A new section is added to chapter 82.80 RCW to read as follows:
     (1) For purposes of this section:
     (a) "Distributor" means every person who imports, refines, manufactures, produces, or compounds motor vehicle fuel and special fuel as defined in RCW 82.36.010 and 82.38.020, respectively, and sells or distributes the fuel into a county;
     (b) "Person" has the same meaning as in RCW 82.04.030;
     (c) "District" means a regional transportation investment district under chapter 36.120 RCW.
     (2) A regional transportation investment district under chapter 36.120 RCW, subject to the conditions of this section, may levy additional excise taxes equal to ten percent of the statewide motor vehicle fuel tax rate under RCW 82.36.025 on each gallon of motor vehicle fuel as defined in RCW 82.36.010 and on each gallon of special fuel as defined in RCW 82.38.020 sold within the boundaries of the district. The additional excise tax is subject to the approval of a majority of the voters within the district boundaries. Vehicles paying an annual license fee under RCW 82.38.075 are exempt from the district's fuel excise tax. The additional excise taxes are subject to the same exceptions and rights of refund as applicable to other motor vehicle fuel and special fuel excise taxes levied under chapters 82.36 and 82.38 RCW. The proposed tax may not be levied less than one month from the date the election results are certified. The commencement date for the levy of any tax under this section will be the first day of January, April, July, or October.
     (3) The local option motor vehicle fuel tax on each gallon of motor vehicle fuel and on each gallon of special fuel is imposed upon the distributor of the fuel.
     (4) A taxable event for the purposes of this section occurs upon the first distribution of the fuel within the boundaries of the district to a retail outlet, bulk fuel user, or ultimate user of the fuel.
     (5) All administrative provisions in chapters 82.01, 82.03, and 82.32 RCW, insofar as they are applicable, apply to local option fuel taxes imposed under this section.
     (6) Before the effective date of the imposition of the fuel taxes under this section, a district shall contract with the department of revenue for the administration and collection of the taxes. The contract must provide that a percentage amount, not to exceed one percent of the taxes imposed under this section, will be deposited into the local tax administration account created in the custody of the state treasurer. The department of revenue may spend money from this account, upon appropriation, for the administration of the local taxes imposed under this section.
     (7) The state treasurer shall distribute monthly to the district levying the tax as part of the regional transportation investment district plan, after the deductions for payments and expenditures as provided in RCW 46.68.090(1) (a) and (b).
     (8) The proceeds of the additional taxes levied by a district in this section, to be used as a part of a regional transportation investment district plan, must be used in accordance with chapter 36.120 RCW, but only for those areas that are considered "highway purposes" as that term is construed in Article II, section 40 of the state Constitution.
     (9) A district may not levy the tax in this section if a member county is levying the tax in RCW 82.80.010 or section 2 of this act.

Sec. 4   RCW 36.120.050 and 2002 c 56 s 105 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) A regional transportation investment district planning committee may, as part of a regional transportation investment plan, recommend the imposition of some or all of the following revenue sources, which a regional transportation investment district may impose upon approval of the voters as provided in this chapter:
     (a) A regional sales and use tax, as specified in RCW 82.14.430, of up to 0.5 percent of the selling price, in the case of a sales tax, or value of the article used, in the case of a use tax, upon the occurrence of any taxable event in the regional transportation investment district;
     (b) A local option vehicle license fee, as specified under RCW 82.80.100, of up to one hundred dollars per vehicle registered in the district. As used in this subsection, "vehicle" means motor vehicle as defined in RCW 46.04.320. Certain classes of vehicles, as defined under chapter 46.04 RCW, may be exempted from this fee;
     (c) A parking tax under RCW 82.80.030;
     (d) A local motor vehicle excise tax under RCW 81.100.060 and chapter 81.104 RCW;
     (e) A local option fuel tax under section 3 of this act;
An employer excise tax under RCW 81.100.030; and
     (((f))) (g) Vehicle tolls on new or reconstructed facilities. Unless otherwise specified by law, the department shall administer the collection of vehicle tolls on designated facilities, and the state transportation commission, or its successor, shall be the tolling authority.
     (2) Taxes, fees, and tolls may not be imposed without an affirmative vote of the majority of the voters within the boundaries of the district voting on a ballot proposition as set forth in RCW 36.120.070. Revenues from these taxes and fees may be used only to implement the plan as set forth in this chapter. A district may contract with the state department of revenue or other appropriate entities for administration and collection of any of the taxes or fees authorized in this section.
     (3) Existing statewide motor vehicle fuel and special fuel taxes, at the distribution rates in effect on January 1, 2001, are not intended to be altered by this chapter.

Sec. 5   RCW 82.36.440 and 1991 c 173 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
     The tax levied in this chapter is in lieu of any excise, privilege, or occupational tax upon the business of manufacturing, selling, or distributing motor vehicle fuel, and no city, town, county, township or other subdivision or municipal corporation of the state shall levy or collect any excise tax upon or measured by the sale, receipt, distribution, or use of motor vehicle fuel, except as provided in chapter 82.80 RCW ((82.80.010)) and RCW 82.47.020.

Sec. 6   RCW 82.38.280 and 1991 c 173 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
     The tax levied in this chapter is in lieu of any excise, privilege, or occupational tax upon the business of manufacturing, selling, or distributing special fuel, and no city, town, county, township or other subdivision or municipal corporation of the state shall levy or collect any excise tax upon or measured by the sale, receipt, distribution, or use of special fuel, except as provided in chapter 82.80 RCW ((82.80.010)) and RCW 82.47.020.

         Passed by the Senate March 18, 2003.
         Passed by the House April 27, 2003.
         Approved by the Governor May 16, 2003.
         Filed in Office of Secretary of State May 16, 2003.