HB 1818 - DIGEST
Authorizes the department to open these lanes to use by single-occupant inherently low-emission vehicles at times or locations when the addition of these vehicles would not unduly contribute to congestion or impede the flow of traffic. The inherently low-emission vehicle must also display a decal, label, or other identifier issued by the department of licensing under this act authorizing the use of the lanes.
Requires the department of transportation to conduct a study on how any existing high-occupancy toll lane program or value pricing pilot program may be expanded to include vehicles whose combined city and highway average gasoline mileage is at least twice the national average for passenger cars, as that figure is determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, if such vehicles were to receive a fee waiver or discount. The department shall report its findings to the legislature by January 1, 2004, or at the conclusion of the department's study of high-occupancy toll lanes under the United States federal highway's value pricing pilot program, whichever occurs first.