HB 2076-S.E - DIGEST
Directs the board to develop a statewide strategic master plan for higher education that proposes a vision and identifies goals and priorities for the system of higher education in Washington state. The board shall also specify strategies for maintaining and expanding access, affordability, quality, efficiency, and accountability among the various institutions of higher education.
Provides that, in developing the statewide strategic plan, the board shall collaborate with the four-year institutions of higher education, the community and technical college system, and, when appropriate, the work force training and education coordinating board, the superintendent of public instruction, and the independent higher education institutions. The board shall also seek input from students, community and business leaders in the state, members of the legislature, and the governor.
Provides that as a foundation for the statewide strategic plan, the board shall develop and establish role and mission statements for each of the four-year institutions of higher education and the community and technical college system. The board shall determine whether certain major lines of study or types of degrees, including applied degrees or research-oriented degrees, shall be assigned uniquely to some institutions or institutional sectors in order to create centers of excellence that focus resources and expertise.
Establishes a legislative work group to review options pertaining to the higher education coordinating board.
Declares that the legislative work group shall: (1) Define legislative expectations and provide policy direction for the statewide strategic plan under this act;
(2) Make recommendations for ensuring the coordination of higher education capital and operating budgets with the goals and priorities in the statewide strategic plan;
(3) Examine opportunities to update the roles and responsibilities of the higher education coordinating board, including alternatives for administration of financial aid and other programs; review of institution budget requests; approval of off-campus programs, centers, and consortia; and collection and analysis of data.
Requires the legislative work group to report its findings and recommendations to the legislature by January 2, 2004.