HB 2117 - DIGEST
Requires the department to continue to operate and maintain passenger-only ferry service on existing routes and schedules, at least until June 30, 2005. By that date, the department shall prepare a report that includes a series of options to provide ongoing passenger-only service in the future, including but not limited to the following: (1) The department would continue to provide the current level of service on the existing routes;
(2) The department would provide commuter service only on existing routes;
(3) The department would provide increased service on existing or new routes.
Requires the report to include a review of operational issues, capital issues, and funding options for each series of service level options evaluated. The department shall consult with affected communities and local, state, and federal agencies in preparing the report.
Directs the department to submit the report to the legislature by September 1, 2004.