HB 2241 - DIGEST

Finds that the safety of Puget Sound waters is currently substantially improved on a temporary basis by an oil spill prevention tugboat stationed at the westward end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Permanent funding for marine protection would ensure that the marine waters of Washington could be protected for generations to come. Therefore, it is the policy of the state to create a dedicated account for funds to protect the marine waters on the coast and in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Requires the department of ecology to complete an evaluation of tug escort requirements for laden tankers to determine if the current escort system requirements under RCW 88.16.190 should be modified to recognize safety enhancements of new double hull tankers deployed with redundant systems and recent enhancements to the international tug of opportunity system. The department shall provide a report with recommendations to the governor and the appropriate committees of the legislature by January 1, 2005.